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It was a hot autumn afternoon and it was the last 15 minutes of writing time. Sosa had barely written anything on her exam, she just doodled a skateboard. Ugh. Why is this my life? She thought to herself. She looked outside the window. She didn't care whether she failed or not, she was going to drop out of school and start her own fashion line. She was gonna be a big hit. She already has sold three pieces from her first line.

Sosa's daydreaming was interrupted by a loud bang on her desk. Mr Davidson and his stupid ruler. "Are you done writing miss Sosana Moeng?" Sosana looked at his piercing brown eyes. He is the most annoying teacher I know. Why can't he just leave me the hell alone? It always seemed like Mr Davidson always targeted her. She rolled her eyes and nodded. Mr Davidson walked away from her desk and continued walking around the class. It's so hot. Sosa started sweating. The stupid school couldn't even afford proper air conditioning. She used her paper as a fan. She looked around the class. A girl was crying, her name was Oddete. Poor girl. These exams are so hard it's not fair. One boy banged his head on the desk. Sosa looked concerned and went back to her daydreaming.

Suddenly, water dropped on Sosa's head. Then on her paper. What the hell? She thought. Then an alarm went off and the smoke detectors went off. Sosa had not processed what just happened, and just saw her whole class run around, screaming. One boy ripped his paper in joy and ran out. Everyone ran out the class but Sosa. She sat at her desk with a perplexed look on her face. She stared at her paper, which had just become a lump of wet paper and smirked. She always had late reactions to things. She laughed looked up and smiled. "Yes!" She said as she jumped up and down with excitement. She didn't have to sit through a long and boring conference with her mom and principal explaining why she refused to write.

"This is completely unexceptionable." Mr Normington shouted. Everyone was now in the hall, in their gym uniform and wet hair, listening to the principal repremand them for what happened. " Have you no shame? And during an exam too. That is disgusting barbaric behavior. You are messing with your future and your school. Our school is one of the most prestigious institutions in this city..." Oh boo hoo. Womp womp.cry me a river. Sosa thought. She didn't want to be standing in that musty hall listening to some middle-aged man yap about a harmless prank. She noticed Ricky, one of her classmates, laughing. What are the chances. She thought. He was very troublesome and would be able to pull it off. " Is something funny Mr Ricky Tadamori?" Mr Normington asked. Sosa just found it annoying how teachers said their full names. "Nah" Ricky said. "It's No, Ricky. N O sir" "Aight. My bad." Everyone started laughing at this. Sosa just stared at Ricky and wondered how people found him funny. "Alright settle down! Ricky, since you wanna be a comedian, you'll be on the cleaning committee for a week anyone else want to join, no? Then it's settled. Let this not happen ever again!"

It was now 6 Pm and Sosa's mom had forced her to go to the school's study session. "Who do you think it was?" Blair asked. Blair was Sosa's best friend. "Probably Ricky, he's the only one stupid enough to do that." Sosa replied. "Ricky? You should be grateful if it was him. He saved all of us. He's such a hero, my hero" Blair blushed and twirled her hair giggling. "Ew. Don't be cringe. And also, you weren't even writing the exams, what are you talking about?" "Well... It was boring sitting through that lecture okay! Being in the express class is not all fun and games. By the way can you get us some snacks from the canteen?" "Sure Blair, as long as it gets me away from your delusional ass." Sosa replied she headed to the canteen

It was dark outside and Sosa had to go to the next building. Sosa didn't mind, she loved nightlife. As she turned the corner, she saw someone Infront of Mr Normington's car. "What are you doing?" She said. The person turned around to look at her and ran. Leaving a spray can on the floor. Sosa picked it up and looked at the car. There was graffiti all over it. "Yoh! Haha! Mr Normington is going to freak out, this is awesome!" She said as she took out her phone to take a picture. "What have you done to my car?" Sosa heard Mr Normingtons voice. She turned around to see a perplexed Normington. He squinted his eyes and grew angry. "You..." He pointed at Sosa. Oh no.

To be continued 🎀💕

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