I really like to party

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"Sir, I already said it wasn't meeee" Sosa stretched the word as she was desperately trying to convince the principal that she didn't vandalise his stupid car. "I don't believe your case, Moeng. How is it you so happened to be standing by my car, watching the culprit spray paint it and hold the can?" Mr Normington asked with an annoyed expression on his face. "Sir you have to believe me. I would never vandalise someone's car, let alone any property. I'm not that evil, I don't know how to pull pranks." Sosa was on the verge of tears. " Sosana, your case makes no sense to me. Pulling a prank during an exam and vandalising the principal's car is a serious offense. Not only that, you have been caught bunking school on multiple occasions.You are leaving me no choice but to expel you." "What?!" "You heard me, Moeng." "T-thats not fair! It wasn't me! It wasn't me! It wasn't me!" Sosa repeated multiple times while banging the desk. "Control yourself, young lady! My office is no place for anyone to throw a tantrum." "Sir you have to believe me, I just picked up the can that the culprit dropped." Sosa was crying. "Maybe, Mr Normington, Sosa is telling the truth." Mr Miller, Sosa's register teacher said. Sosa and Mr Normington jumped as soon as he spoke. They had forgotten he was there. "Oh Mr Miller. Don't tell me that you could possibly believe a word that is coming out of this girls mouth." Mr Normington said. "But sir, think about it. The odds are very high, actually. I mean, you know the students here. They're all so nosy and take things that aren't theirs. So I would expect Sosa here to pick up the can." Mr Miller said. Sosa sniffed and wiped her nose with her jersey. This is why I love Mr Miller. He's so empathetic and the only teacher who has common sense in this damn school. Sosa thought to herself. "Hmm..." Mr Normington thought for a moment. " Just give her a chance." Miller added on "Maybe you can allow her to help you catch the actual culprit." Mr Normington sat rubbing his chin, thinking. It felt like forever. He finally agreed. "I suppose you could be right. Alright, Moeng. I will let you help us catch the actual culprit. But, if you don't catch him in 20 days, you're saying goodbye to this school." "What? How am I supposed to do th-" "No questioning, Moeng. I've given you a chance, and it's the only chance you're getting. Will you take it or leave it?" Mr Normington was serious. Sosa looked at Mr Miller. He nodded quickly. He also knew that Normington would not back down. "Fine." She gave in. "So it's settled, do not let me down, Moeng. Now get out."

As Sosa left the class, she thanked Mr Miller for backing her up. "No problem." He said. "I wish you all the best in finding the culprit before the due date." "But Mr Miller, how is it fair that I have to struggle because of another student?" Sosa asked, still unable to breath because of the crying. Mr Miller just put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll make it right one day." He walked away. Sosa went home, it was late, anyway.

The next day at school started Sosa's 20 countdown. As everyone walked in, she told Blair about what happened last night. "How is that fair? Ugh the stupid principal. I always say he has something against us all." Blair was visibly angry for her best friend. "Yeah." Sosa was anxious. Her mother worked so hard to get her in this school. And now there was a possibility she would leave. Suddenly Ricky walks in with his twin brother, Sam. Sosa stared at Sam and her mood suddenly lifted. Blair saw this and laughed. Sosa couldn't understand how that beautiful man was related to a pig like Ricky, they barely looked alike too. She hated Ricky for always bullying her, but loved Sam for always sticking up for her against his own brother. "Someone's in loveee." Blair mocked. "Shut up." Sosa hit her shoulder. "Yo guys." A boy named Jake yelled. "Me and my boy over here are hosting a party in the gym tonight. We have all the preparations to make sure the teachers don't catch us. Be there or else you're lame." Everyone cheered. A party is just what I need right now. Sosa thought. Parties always soothed her and made her forget all her worries. "Blair we're going to this party." "Duh." Blair playfully rolled her eyes

At the party, Sosa is dancing with Blair, having the time of her life. She spots Sam by the Soda's table. "It's now or never." She says walking over. Then suddenly, Sam's girlfriend, Danielle, walks over and kisses him. Sosa forgot about that nuisance. She backed up and bumped into someone. "Oh, excuse-" she paused as she looked back. "Ugh." It was Ricky. "You're excused, clumsy head." "You bumped into me!" Sosa said. "Nah, pretty sure it was you who bumped into me, Soa." "I told you to not call me that. That's not my name." Sosa was annoyed. She hated him calling her that. "Whatever, loser." Ricky shoved her aside and left to go meet his friends. Sosa just stared at him with annoyance. She looked back at the sodas table. The nuisance is gone. She walked over. "Hi Sam!" She said with enthusiasm. "Hey Sosa, enjoying the party?" Sam said. Sosa loved his voice. "Yeah haha. Saw you sitting alone and thought you needed company?" "That's nice of you. You were always so nice, come to think.of it." Sam smiled at her. She blushed. I'm so happy I have melanin. Otherwise he would've seen how flushed I was.

All of a sudden,a loud bang came from outside the gym. Everyone ran out. "Who's there?" A voice outside the gym yelled. There was an emergency exit and that's where everyone ran. Sosa had a late reaction (as usual) but Sam quickly grabbed her and headed to the gym locker rooms. He softly pushed Sosa in a locker and shut himself and her in it.The guard barged in and looked around the gym. He went into the locker room. Sosa could see his bright torch light and squinted, trying to move away from the brightening light, causing her to move closer to Sam. The guard scanned the room rather slow and finally left. Sosa let a sigh of relief out and looked up. Sam was staring at her. She realised how close they were. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever until Sam broke eye contact. He cleared his throat. "Well, erm, that was close!" "Yeah, it was. But um, Sam?" "Yea?" "How do you reckon we leave if you shut the locker completely, ay?" Sosa was confused. Sam looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry, they were designed to be opened inside just in case of bullying scandals." He pushed the locker door. "Oh cool." She said awkwardly. They quickly ran out and found everyone at a nearby park. They quickly joined them. "Oh my goodness, Sosa! I was so worried the opps got you!" Blair ran to her and put her arms around Sosa. Sosa hugged her back. "They'd never, I'm too good for them." They both laughed.

Ricky had noticed Sam and Sosa coming together, laughing. He stared at Sosa. She looked so happy. He turned around annoyed and walked away. His friends looked at him with confusion. But he wasn't the only one who noticed Sam and Sosa, Danielle did too.

Thanks for reading ml💕

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