🌱 ᴾᵃˢˢᵉⁿᵍᵉʳ ˢᵉᵃᵗⁱˢᵐ #

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Alhaitham stands in a corner of the room, nursing a drink within a plastic cup as the music assaults his ears. Everything about this is Kaveh's fault. And maybe Cyno's. For forcing him along so they could play drinking games, and innitially they wanted him to join in, but someone needed to be sober enough to drive.

So he had used that excuse and left the two to their demise, continuously loosing to this random blond guy that wanted to play their games with them so bad. Whoever he is, he has an insane amount of luck, it's crazy.

What's also crazy is the amount of drunk college students trying to hit on Alhaitham, the sheer number would take at least three hands to count. With his social skills, he just stared them down without a word.

And in return they scrambled away like terrified spiders.

Not because he despised it, it stroked his ego very nicely, actually. He just didn't quite know how to talk to anyone that he hasn't known for years already.

Okay, maybe it does make him a bit uncomfortable. There's only so many times people can wink at you from across the room, leaning against a wall until you start cringing.

And Alhaitham's already physically recoiling with every attempt. He wants to go home.

And then someone takes up a space beside him, standing there just as awkwardly and out of place.

He turns to glance at the stranger, they don't look as off putting as the desperate horny party goers trying to bag him for the night.

They look as off putting as he himself does, in the worst place at the wrong time.

They seem to notice his staring, looking over but flinching at the accidental eye contact.

".. U-uhm. Is something on my face?"

Much to his surprise, their awkward existence tries to innitiate a conversation.

"No. You just look out of place, in a room like this." Alhaitham replies bluntly to their inquiry. If he were talking to Kaveh right now, the blond would whine about him 'making it weird' for being blunt. But he whines about everything, so it's to be expected.

The unnamed shrugs, a stutter not just in their voice, but also their movements. "I am out of place,"

Their short agreement held back a thousand reasons. Alhaitham finds himself intrigued by this strange individual, socially struggling just as bad it seems.

"Then why are your roots planted in cement and not dirt?" He raises an eyebrow, holding the cup up to his lips as he watches them struggle to comprehend his 'poetic' form of expression.

They glance to the exit door of the crack den, swinging open, and closed as people enter and leave. "My friends ditched me, and I left my phone behind.."

Ah. A poor soul with no way back, unless they ask someone for a phone to call for an uber. Really, it isn't Alhaitham's problem at all.

He has two drunkards to deal with later, but his sympathy is with this stranger.

"That's pretty stupid to leave your phone behind." He points out the obvious in his monotone robot voice that's his standard mode, taking a sip of the drink that might as well be motor oil to complete the act. It sure tasted like it.

"Ahaha.. I know. Sayy, you probably go to Teyvat University, right?" They are asking bold questions now, with an underlying motive obvious yet hidden enough it made Alhaitham squint.

He swallows the liquid, not high enough to assign it any taste at all after the first vile gulp. "Everyone here is going, I'm pretty sure. What are your intentions," he eyes them with utmost suspicion.

Hopefully they won't magically grow confident, lean against the wall, wink and tell a pick up line as bad as Cyno's jokes.

At first they shrink in Alhaitham's scrutinizing gaze, but they try to gather up some courage. Sadly, the liquid is lacking to get enough to be straight up bold.

"Could you, maybe, perhaps let me join your ride if you're going back to the student dormitories-" They instead rush it out, because what's done is done. No need for courage then.

Alhaitham can tell they already regret their words, simmering with embarrassment.

He even lets out a faint chuckle, almost pitying them. "We don't even know each other on a first name basis, I could be a dangerous criminal in disguise, y'know?"

"At this point, free me from my misery. I'll do anything to get out of this confetti-alcohol-filled hole." They sigh, their head hangs low. They're giving up on dignity.

Alhaitham's lips press into a thin line, he looks around for Kaveh and Cyno, finding them crying and half asleep on the table respectively.

Maybe it's really time to go.

He looks back at them, his expression back to a blank slate. "If you give me your name, I'll consider it.."

"[Y/N]," they say without hesitation, desperation in its purest form.

Alhaitham gestures to his two companions across the room, "help me transport them to the car and you'll even get the premium seat beside me in the front."

He sounds sarcastic, but he means it. No way he's dealing with Kaveh's drunk ass beside him.

"Oh, I can do that!!" They say almost enthusiastically, relieved to no end.


"I MEAN, WHO EVEN LETS STRANGERS INTO THEIR CAR?!" Kaveh squirms in retalitation, refusing to be forced into the back seat by Alhaitham. But he fails miserably as the other closes the car door in his face.

[Y/N] takes up the passenger seat, the one Kaveh is upset about not having. His seat, stolen from him by a nameless face.

The alcohol in his system is chanting for a fight, but he's also incredibly sleepy at the same time.

"[Y/N] won't harm anyone, they're too awkward." Alhaitham remarks as he sits down in the driver's seat, flashing Kaveh a death glare to shut up for the sake of his mental stability.

In return, he pouts, like a kid. Crossing his arms and souring into a lemon-like being.

Cyno is sleeping soundly beside him, his head dipping to rest against Kaveh's shoulder, who let out a scoff at the contact. This is absurd, in his opinion. Alhaitham usually never talks to people, let alone strangers who aren't even friends of friends.

To say this situation is weird is an understatement. It's a once in a lifetime event. Of course Kaveh isn't gonna let him live it down.

The blond rolls his eyes as he pushes Cyno's head against the window instead. "[Y/N] you say? So you two know each other? The sagacious one never crawls out of his cave and decides to interact with people."

"I wouldn't say know, I'm just offering my endless generosity." Alhaitham fixes his seatbelt as he speaks, a snappiness seeping into his tone now that he's conversing with his dearest roommate.

"Sureee, and I didn't just down five shots. You're not a generous person, you're a full time asshole!" Kaveh argues, already raising his voice again with the alcohol running in his blood. Alhaitham might not have done anything yet (except give HIS seat to someone else), but his mere breathing annoys him.

"I will kick you out of this car, Kaveh." Alhaitham's 'endless generosity' ends there and he shoots another glare at him through the front mirror. [Y/N] shrinks in their seat, tuning the fight out for now. Their only goal is to get home, not to mediate a friendship or getting to know some other people.


This one might get a part II actually 🤭

I wanted to try my hand at third person, I think it turned out pretty good :D

anyways, don't trust strangers chat, even if theyre men with voluptuous tiddies and a very nice face 😥

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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