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The Vows

The following days were consumed with wedding plans. The castle buzzed with activity as preparations for the accelerated ceremony began. Lavish decorations were being arranged, and the finest fabrics and jewels were being brought in for my gown. Yet, amidst the flurry of excitement, a deep sense of unease gnawed at me.

Annabelle and Gwendolyn tried to lift my spirits, their enthusiasm infectious. "Oh, Mary, you'll be the most beautiful bride anyone has ever seen!" Annabelle exclaimed, holding up a bolt of delicate lace.

Gwendolyn nodded, her eyes shining. "And the feast will be magnificent! Just imagine the music, the dancing..."

I forced a smile, grateful for their efforts but unable to shake the heaviness in my heart. "Thank you, both of you. I don't know what I would do without you."

As we worked through the details of the wedding, my thoughts kept drifting to Kael. He was never far from my side, his presence a constant reminder of the complex emotions tearing at me. The memory of our kiss lingered a bittersweet ache that I couldn't escape.

One evening, as I was sitting in my chambers trying to focus on the guest list, Kael entered quietly, his expression serious. "Mary, there's something you need to know."

I looked up, my heart sinking at the tone of his voice. "What is it?"

He handed me a sealed letter, the wax bearing the crest of Pike's Peak. "This arrived for you today."

With trembling hands, I broke the seal and began to read. The words blurred as tears filled my eyes. My sister, my dear sister, had been killed. The letter was brief and lacking details, but the message was clear. My sister had fallen victim to the unrest that plagued our homeland.

"No," I whispered, the letter slipping from my fingers. "Not her. Not my sister."

I barely remember her. Her chubby cheeks and dark curls. She was only two last I saw her.

Kael's voice was gentle but stern. "The situation in Pike's Peak is growing worse. Your mother is doing everything she can, but the opposition is ruthless."

I looked up at him; my vision blurred with tears. "What can I do, Kael? How can I help from here?"

His expression hardened a fierce determination in his eyes. "We will find a way. But first, you need to focus on the wedding. Strengthening your position here will give you the leverage you need to help your homeland."

His words made sense, but the thought of moving forward with the wedding while my heart was breaking felt like a betrayal. "I feel so helpless."

Kael took my hands in his, his touch grounding me. "You are not helpless, Mary. You are stronger than you know. And you are not alone.

The door to my chambers opened, and Prince Bastian entered. His eyes immediately went to Kael's hands on mine, and his expression darkened. "What is going on here?"

Kael stood, his demeanor respectful but firm. "Mary received bad news from Pike's Peak. Her sister has been killed."

Alexander's face softened with shock and sorrow. "I'm so sorry." He moved to my side, taking my hand from Kael's. Bastian's grip tightened on my hand, his voice gentle but insistent. "We will get through this together. The wedding will go on as planned, and once we are united, we will be stronger, able to help your family and your people."

His words were meant to provide solace, but instead, they served as a stark reminder of the heavy burden I now carry. The weight of duty, the responsibility to my homeland, and the necessity of my marriage all bore down on me, creating an overwhelming sense of pressure and responsibility.

I yearned to escape back to Abby, to the time when life was uncomplicated, and my days were filled with the rhythm of chores and the solace of prayer.

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