~If 'S' is illegal, why isn't school?~

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"Hey, (y/n)." The voice of her twin brother called out to her, gaining his sister's attention. "What's this?" He held up a sheet of paper with the phrase ''S' is illegal. Why isn't school?' written in a calligraphic style.
The said girl curled up at the sight of it and turned to face the wall away from her brother.

"Were those kids bullying you again?" No response. "Do you want me to confront them with you?" (Y/n) shook her head. "Should I tell Uncle Kaoru?" He asked, getting no answer, as he then sighed. "What do you want me to do then?"

The girl paused in thought for a moment before slowly turning around to face him.
"Piggy back ride..." The male chuckled at that before getting up and crouching down with his back to his sister. At the gesture, a smile crept its way upon her face whilst she made her way onto his back.

"Hold on tight!" Yuichiro exclaimed, now approaching his board, and, still carrying the female, he stepped on and began to skate around the living room. The both of them laughed and smiled as the board went round and round the room, and even more so when the male almost lost balance at points.


It was a shame that she wouldn't be able to play with her brother like that anymore.


It was early morning when you were dragged out of the house by your new friends, well, mostly Reki, as he was overly excited to see Langa skate again like he had last night. You didn't see the reason for you to come along, but Koaru urged you to, saying that it was nice to have such inclusive and caring friends.

When he three of you had reached a steep path with a few steps at the top, you immediately sat down to continue your nap. Whilst you tried to sleep, Langa taped his feet to the same scruffed board again as Reki began to do all sorts of gestures, exaggerating you and the Canadian's performance.

"Let me see you in action!" The redhead beamed at Langa as he stood up, feet attached to the deck.
"You don't have to tell me!"
"Stop shouting..." You whined, catching the two's attention.
"Oh yeah! (Y/n), we wanted to ask if you could skate too!" Requested Reki, whilst Langa nodded.
"How did you do the disappearing thing?"

You titled your head at the males, standing up and dropping your board on the ground.
"Obscurring clouds?" You questioned, but that only made the boys confused.
"What? Well, anyway, let's see!"

You stood in line with the light blue haired male at the top of the path.
"Here we go!" But there was no movement. "Push me."
Once Reki had done so, you also began to skate but decided to keep in pace with your classmate. When you looked over at Langa, you could tell he was happy and really enjoying himself.

After a few seconds, you chose to speed up until you swiftly found yourself at the end of the path, right in front of the busy road.
"Langa! Stop!" The voice of Reki caught your ears, causing you to turn in the direction that the said male was in, but once you did, he had already tumbled past you.

"Langa!" The redhead yelled whilst a truck was heading straight for the poor male. At that, you got onto your board and skated straight into the road, creating a patch of mist behind you. "(Y/n)! Langa!" Reki called out in worry, not being able to see either of you through the fog, even after the truck had driven off.

"Ta-da~." The sound of your voice cheered, catching your classmate's ears.
"(Y/n)?!" He yelled, looking over on the other side of the street, to see you standing on top of your skateboard with the Canadian in your arms. "Langa!" The still shocked male was deflated as he lay in your grasp whilst you skated back to the redhead.


A few hours had passed when the three of you were having a break at school. Langa, determined to learn to skate, was currently being taught by Reki, whilst you texted Mitsuri about not being able to eat lunch with the others that day.

"Why did I start again?"~{Muichiro Fem!Reader x Sk8 Infinity}Where stories live. Discover now