Cap 12

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Bill slowly opened his eyes, and blinked away the tiredness from the night before, quite an easy task when sleeping next to your soulmate, Bill has never been happier, he has a loving boyfriend and all the lack of responsibilities he could ask for

This evening Bill and his boyfriend are going out to brunch and bill has woken up just on time to get ready, 10:00 am,

He gets up out of bed and puts on his plaid button-down shirt, khaki pants, leather belt, no necktie, and a spritz of cologne on, Bill prefers a business casual look as does Bill's Boyfriend Bill

He checks the time to see 10:20, perfect, he goes to the bathroom showers, brushes his teeth, and combs his hair, and he's ready for the day

Bill goes downstairs and is greeted by the beautiful sight of his beautiful boyfriend, bill

Bill leads bill to the car, and they set off to their brunch spot

On the way, Bill and Bill almost got into an accident because of another car swerving into their lane,

they were fine but Bill said, "Goddam bad drivers, probably a woman I bet ya' they shouldn't let those hussy's even get license!!"

"I agree" said Bill equally as angered by the reckless driver, "Women these days don't know what it means to have it good, they want a career and equal pay, and to be president, and to vote but if we let them do that, they would get all emotional and probably start a war or something"

"And it all went down hill when we gave those girls pants, I tell you" Said the other bill "they started thinking they were the man of the house and started disregarding their womanly duty's that's what my wife did when I let her ware pants, that's why I divorced her!"

"Similar story here bill, my wife got in a car accident, probably from her bad driving and all, then she wouldn't make me food, or take care of the kids, and she just got to sit on her ass and get fat wile whining about how I need to give her her pain meds, damn bitch was addicted and it's all because of that damn women's group she went to, so I divorced her and I've never been happier than with you Bill"

The Bill's show up to their brunch spot and sit down to eat, they both order 2 entires and 4 total appetizers, when they finished their meal bill reached into his pocket, pulled out a box and got on one knee

"Bill, you know I gotta say, I'm so happy that your dumb bitch of a wife got in that car accident because now your all mine and I want you to be mine forever, so Bill will you marry me?" Bill asked

"YES" Bill yelled

The whole restaurant started clapping and the Bills walked away without paying because their server was a woman

537 total words

A/N ty guys sm for reading all this way book 2 will start soon, see ya then!!

If you want a hard copy of the book DM me or comment , cuz im doing that now :)

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