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Caroline and Elena are walking through the gym hall which is being decorated for the 20s Decade Dance. Caroline has a clipboard and is in charge of the preparations as Rebekah is missing.

Caroline: So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together, why is that a bad thing?

Elena: I just...I wish there was something I could do.

She picks up a chandelier.

Elena: Where do you want me to hang this thing?

Caroline: You know what, if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrousity she should have shown up to do it herself.

She hands the chandelier to a passingby student.

Caroline: Just no!

She sees Matt and Jeremy hanging up stars in the ceiling.

Caroline: What are you doing? You can't just hang them! They're supposed to trickle down.

Matt: Trickle, duh!

Caroline: Look at them all bromancy.

Elena: Yeah I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill.

Caroline: That was nice of him.

Elena: Jeremy has got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out.

Caroline: So who you taking to the dance?

Elena: Who do you think? I'm bringing Zari. You?

Caroline: Lana. Who else would I bring?

Elena wraps a feather boa around her neck.

Caroline: Bonnie has a date.

Elena: What?

Caroline: Jamie called and wanted to see her so she asked him.

Elena: Hmm.


lena is adjusting her headband for her costume in a mirror. The doorbell rings. She opens the door. It's Zariel who smiles at her.

Elena: Wow, you look very dapper.

Zariel: You look um- very beautiful. Here, I got something for you.

She pins a white rose on Elena's dress.

Elena: Thank you.

Zariel: So, given your dangerous dance karma, sure you're up for this?

Elena: Getting out of bed is dangerous these days. But we have to live our lives.

Zariel: Hmm. Who gave you that horrible advice?

Elena: Oh just some girl I've been seeing. Shall we?

Zariel holds her arm out to her and Elena links her arm through hers and they walk away from the house.


Caroline walks up to Lana

Caroline: What are you doing here?

Lana: Did you think I was gonna miss out on this, Love? And I'm about to sweep you off your feet

She picks her up and spins her around, Zariel and Elena walks into the dance

Elena: Teach me some moves

Zariel: Certainly.

Elena grabs her hand and drags her toward the dance floor. They start dancing and a romantic slow number comes on. They start slow dancing

Zariel: You seem happy

Elena: You make me happy.

Zariel: I'm honored to be your date tonight, my love

Elena smiles, laying her head on her shoulder as they sway slowly to the slow song. Zariel kisses her on the side of the head.

Caroline and Lana are slow dancing with Caroline's head resting on her shoulder. She lifts her head up and stares into her eyes

Caroline: I love you

Lana smiles, pressing her lips to her forehead

Lana: I love you too, darling.


Several candles are lit and Bonnie is chanting. Zariel, Lana, Klaus, Jamie and Jeremy are there.

Jamie: She does this all the time, right?

Klaus: What's taking so long?! All boundary spells have a loop hole.

Matt enters.

Matt: People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier.

Jeremy: Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is.

Zariel: I do not think so, Jeremy.

God: Reveal yourself

Klaus: Who are you talking to?

God looks straight at Jeremy who stares at him blankly until his lips curls up into a smirk

Jeremy: Took you fuckers long enough

Matt: Jer.....

Bonnie: Jeremy, what's---

God: Hello again.......Damon

Jeremy/Damon: Bon-Bon, what did you see in him anyway? He's such a loser.

Lana: How long have you been possessing him?

Jeremy/Damon: Long enough and you can push me out but the plan's already in motion

Bonnie: What are you talking about?

Jeremy/Damon: We always come back. No matter what, I always come back.

God raises his hand up and snaps his fingers as Jeremy's eyes rolls back and he slumps to the floor.


Zariel appears in front of Esther and plunges her hand into her chest grabbing her heart

Zariel: If you ever come back, I will rip you apart.

She rips her heart out of her chest and tosses it on the ground. She turns around and cups Elena's face in her hands

Zariel: What did she do?

Elena: She was making something to kill you

Zariel: Was she unsuccessful?

Elena: I think so.

Zariel: Are you okay?

Elena nods her head as Zariel tilts her head down pressing her lips to her forehead.

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