nightmares (w/Sal, and Larry)

19 1 0

Fandom: Sally face

(TW Sleep Paralysis, self harm? *kinda*)

The surrounding feels cold, the lights dim as Sally can hear the faint sounds of chatting and talking. He tries to lift his finger, even his toe/foot. Sweat drips down his neck and thighs as his breathing is heavy. 

A ghost, black and dark pink hands and eyes looks directly at Sal not flinching or twitching. Sally starts to feel this rash sensation on his arms and neck. Itch itch itch, scratch scratch scratching at the curtains. "Go away." Sal mumbles. "GO AWAY!!" 

"Ah!" He jolts up breathing heavy, socks slipping off his foot as Larry turns to him. "Hey hey.. you okay dude?" Larry utters as Chug and Ashely turn towards Sally. 

"S-stop.. stop staring..." He mumbles as they do so Ashely going to get a cup of water. Sal feels his hands shake as he grabs his hair and starts to pull. "Sal!" Larry yells as sal closes his flinching as Larry grabs his hands. 

"Let's go into my room, okay?" Larry whispers as Sal freezes still feeling unable to move, softly making grabby hands towards Larry. Larry picks him up leading Sally to his room. Tapping his foot softly and fiddling with his fingers. "What's the matter?" Larry askes putting a soft hand on Sal's shoulder. Sally felt an elephant on his chest and his head was spinning. 

"T-travis. Stuck.. s-s" Sal's head started to twich as his fingers cramped up. "I-" Larry spoke up. "Hey hey your okay... breathe," Larry spoke knowing Sal might have an extreme panic attack still not knowing why. 

"I'm sorry I'm sorry... I'm probably being really uncool right now" Sal chuckled as he scratched his head. "No dude OfCourse not your always cool" Larry spoke as walked over to his music cord and started playing it. Sally smiled as he stood up and held hands with LArry starting to jump up and down dancing, and relaxing himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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