Chapter 1: Unfortunate

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-First of all, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH GAYS!!!!!!
Second of all, this is horrible but hey I might finish this who knows? If I do I'm probably just gonna make 5 or so chapters as this was supposed to just be a cute oneshot I made in my notes- Also I am very inexperienced as a writer so please just don't be mean about any mistakes I make T^T Also if i publish this uhhh HIIIII!! I'm sorry about how shit this is :c

~No ones POV

Shirabu's family and relationships are a mystery to Shiratorizawa, for a good reason, Shirabu knows that if he talks about his private life they'll want to know more about him which is his worst nightmare.

Shirabu was never really a people person, he'd much rather be by himself, either studying or something he finds entertaining enough. Unfortunately for him though, he managed to get born into an extremely extroverted family. Even Fukunaga who's a bit more on the quieter side has a bunch of friends and Futakuchi, who's a huge little bitch(in Shirabu's opinion) has more friends than him! He realized a week ago that being born into this family means you won't only have to deal with how weirdly friendly everyone is, but you'll also have the worst luck.

Today, Shirabu and his team are going to a training camp, with Karasuno, Nohebi, and others he completely forgot. He was only focused on 4 teams, Nekoma, Fukurodani, and Datekou, the three schools that his siblings go to and the worst one of all, Seijoh, the school his boyfriend goes to.

Don't get me wrong, he's happy to see them! Especially his boyfriend, but seeing them at training camp means they'll run to him, talk to him, etc, then it will turn into his team knowing more about him personally, which will lead to them learning more and more, until they start considering him as a friend.

He is desperate to stop anything like that from happening. So desperate that two nights ago he went into his younger brothers room and started begging on his knees for them to not out that they're his siblings, that conversation was...not what he was hoping to say the least.

Fukunaga and Futakuchi were sitting on their separate beds, just reading or on their phones to avoid sleep until the start hearing footsteps outside their room

"..Futa you hear that?" Fukunaga whisper yelled at him, looking up from his book

"Oh thank god you hear it too, thought I was going crazy" Futakuchi jokes, turning off his phone to look at his brother

"Don't joke right now I'm scared!" Fukunaga once again whisper yelled, a worried expression on his face

"Calm down, it's probably just Shira or Aki" he responded, not matching his brothers expression

Fukunaga sighed "your probably right.."

Suddenly their door bursts open, scaring Fukunaga shitless and making Futakuchi jump. They look at the door just to see..

"..Shira..?" They say simultaneously as they look at they're older brother on his knees

Shirabu clears his throat and scoots closer to their beds "..please.." he starts as they both look at him curiously

"..please don't go up to me at the training camp!" He whisper yells at them, making them look at him like he just grew a second head

"..what?" Futakuchi says, breaking the silence as he tries not to burst out laughing

"You heard me!" Shirabu says, standing up "I know you and Shohei AND Akinori will all come up to me and talk to me during the training camp!"

"..yeah, we're brothers for gods sake" Fukunaga says, finally registering everything "why do you not want us to be with you?" He says with a slightly sad expression, making Shirabu feel bad

"Nononono not like that! I just.."

"Just what?" Futakuchi says, seeing Fukunagas sad expression. Shirabu paused before continuing his sentence

"..I've never really told anyone about you guys to my team, I didn't want them to pry into my personal life so I just..never mentioned you all." Shirabu says, disappointedly "I just-"

"-was scared of people getting close to you and befriending you because you've never had a proper friend before and don't know how having proper friends work? Yeah we know" Fukunaga says, his sad expression gone and replaced with one that Shirabu's a bit terrified of

"..I would've worded that differently but yes" Shirabu responses, deadpanned

"Listen second kenji, I would just ignore you at training camp but i know something you know but won't admit" Fukunaga replies, a serious look on his face "what is it?" Shirabu says curiously

"That a team won't work if your teammates aren't connected with eachother"


"-In a FRIENDLY way. You might be connected to them as a team but if you aren't close to ANY of them off court your team is doomed to fail. Volleyball is a sport and like any other sport it requires teamwork and last time I checked there is no I in team. You may know your teammates on a personal level but if they don't know YOU on a personal level you and your team will collapse. There is no way shiratorizawa as a team will work if you don't start opening up to them." Fukunaga said seriously

Shirabu knows that, he know if he doesn't start opening up he will be the reason for the team's downfall, he's just..terrified of the idea

"Honestly Rou, Shohei is right. We can't let your team fall just because you're too scared to open up." Futakuchi said, looking at Shirabu in the eyes

Shirabu sighs before responding "..I knew you guys would say that..worth a shot.." he mutters before walking out the room

He really wished that he tried to make them agree but it was too late now and even if he did they would not change their mind 'oh well..' he thinks while boarding the bus to the camp

'I mean, atleast that conversation was better than the one with Konoha..' He thinks as he remembers the attempt he made so Konoha wouldn't out him the day before 'he didn't even let me speak! He just immediately said no!' (Fighting the urge to make a chapter 1.5 of just the convo with Konoha) He pouts at the memory of being cut off with a simple 'no', his pout catching the attention of Goshiki, Semi, and Tendou

"Why is Shirabu pouting?" Goshiki points out curiously

"Why are you asking me like I know why?" Semi deadpans "Go ask Tendou, he had a mind reader phase in his first year"

"WE AGREED TO NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT AGAIN SEMI EITA" Tendou yells from behind Semis seat

"Pulling out the full names are we Tendou Satori?" Semi says while turning around to glare at him

"I'm just gonna go..." Goshiki says before running to Akakura to avoid whatever weird, oddly gay, argument the two third years are going to have

Shirabu chooses to ignore the two third years extremely gay bickering and thinks to himself, the little voice in his head, who he has named Kanade(pjsk reference), tells him that this camp won't be as bad as Shirabu thinks, he has his siblings and boyfriend there after all! 'If anything happens like a random panic attack during practice or passing out during lunch they'll be here for you! They know what to do!' Kanade tells him "That's true.." he mutters under his breath

'This camp can't be THAT bad could it?'

-crying, sobbing, throwing up. I can't tell if I like this or not, I probably won't post this and just keep it in my drafts but if I do end up posting this and your reading this rn, I'm sorry for how bad this shit is oml this is horrible 😭 and if you actually liked it(which I will NOT believe) then I'm sorry this is short- I'll make longer chapters i swear!!🤕


Words~1312 (SO SHORT OML?!?)

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