Chapter 3: the station

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(Third person)

One month later

Lucy and Tim have grown close; they are inseparable. Lucy still has been getting them from Chris but she tries to ignore them as much as possible. but she is scared that something will happen one day. She is excited for today. where she finds out which station she is going to. she is hoping that is not tims station. she scared to lose him

(Tims P O V)

It's the morning when I wake up next to Lucy and I kiss her on her forehead.

T-Good morning lu how did you sleep

L- Not good

T- Why

L- because i was scared to lose you

T- You won't

L- Promise?

T- Promise. Do you want breakfast Coffee Lu

L- Yes please

T- What do you want to eat

L- pancakes and eggs

I get out of bed. And I take a shower and get dressed. And make breakfast for Lucy.

T- Lucy the food is ready

L- I'm coming. Right now

T- okay

Lucy comes into the kitchen

L- That smells amazing

T-Thank you Lu. Dig in

A little; bit

L- Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room? What if i get in to mid-wilshire

T- Well will deal with it when the time comes

L- Spot saying that

My phone strats ring

T- I have to get to work, Lu. bye have a good day

L- bye be safe

I walk out of Lucy's apartment building. And in my car on the way to the station.i enter the station . and i see Angela so i go up to her

T- hay ang

A- Good. Why couldn't you come out last night.

T- um. Want to bed early

A- Timouth are you sure

T- Yeah. i am sure

We had into roll-call. And we take our set's

G- Good morning everyone as you know tomorrow are getting their new rookie's so at the end of the day i will need Broford,Lopez,Bishop so they know how their new rookie's will be. And

Lopez and Broford will be riding together today. So let's get out there

We get our gear and get into the shop. My phone is blowing up because of lucy and i don't look at it until lunch time when i finally have time

At lunch

(Text P O V)

T- Sorry, just have time to look at my phone. Did you find out what division your at

L- It's okay. Umm not yes should find out 10:00 pm though

(End of text P O V)

We had a good day, just some crazy people. I go to Lucy's apartment. I knock on the door and she answers the door. It's also 10 PM now

(Lucy's P O V)

I open the door for tim

L- Hi Tim how is it going

T- Hi Lu its good

L- Good can we stop this awareness please

T- Okay

We had to the coach and i open my phone up and then email's

L- here we go in 3,2,1

T- I'm nerves

I open up the email

L- i'm going to go to mid-wilshire. I guess now is the time were we have to decide what's more important us or our jobs i think we know

T- goodbye Lucy Chen 

L- Goodbye Tim Brouderford

After that Tim got up of the cough and kissed me on my head and with that we walked out the door

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