#1 :: Successful Night

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I was walking out of class just to stumble back seeing a group of people standing infront of me. They shoved a note in my pocket and tapped my cheek aggressively a few times before walking away laughing.

I grabbed it and saw that it was actually a birthday invitation at the club around the corner.

A club?

Well it's not unusual. We're all in our 20's. I'm 21 and I've never been to a club before.

I hesitated but knew the consequences of me not going. Go to an environment I don't like but be safe on campus or not go and get beaten up? What's more risky?


I'll go. Whatever.


"Mads?" I was walking home then turned around seeing one of the people from the group.

I stepped back and slightly smiled which he returned a gentle one "about tonigh-"

"CHAN!" Me and chan both flinched at the sudden shouting from behind us. We looked and saw the whole group coming this way looking furious.

They has a bag in their hand and shoved it on my face "there's a theme and I'm scared you would've be able to afford it and mess everything up" I looked inside the bag and it was a dress and heels for the party.

They grabbed chan "see you tonight" one of the girls said to me firmly then aggressively pulled chan away.

What was that? And why did he call me mads? Why was he so sweet? He still cares after all these years?


It was 7pm and I was just infront if the club adjusting my dress. Gosh I hate my life.

It was a short black, tight fitted dress with an open back. The exact one they gave to me. The heels were killing me man.

I took a deep breath dusting my dress before walking inside.

It was LOUD!

As I was walking in I could feel so many eyes so me and I caught many people eyeing me up and down as if I was pray and it made me so uncomfortable.

I checked my phone and saw a text from chan

[Chan: go home, there's no party. Its a prank.]

I looked at phone in disbelief. What's the purpose of the prank?

[Chan: I'm sorry mads, they wanted to see if you could hook up with someone because You're known to be boring, innocent and scared of guys. Please get home safely]

To see if I could hook up with someone? He could stoop this low and do this to me?

Chan used to be my childhood bestfriend until he became popular. Even if we barely see eachother he would always take care of me on side but he can go this far?

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