A Destined Encounter - Farah's Story

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The night was dark and freezing, and the gusting wind made the hair beneath Farah's scarf dance freely. She tucked a few stray strands behind her ear and tightened her scarf around her head and neck, trying to stave off the chill. Moving with quick, determined strides, she leaped over puddles on the road, her mind focused solely on reaching the van that would take her to tonight's destination without attracting any attention.

When she reached the van, the other women were already inside, huddled together. Fear was evident in their eyes, and their lips held unspoken pleas, uncertain of what the next few hours might bring. Their faces bore the traces of long, sad stories, each one driven by a desire to earn a living despite the hardships. These women, like Farah, came from different parts of the continent, chasing dreams of a better life amid past miseries. Yet all their hopes could be dashed if they were caught working without legal permits.

They were all immigrants, undocumented and scraping by, maneuvering through odd jobs in the dead of night, hidden from the rest of the world. Employed by a cleaning company, they were assigned to clean high-end nightclubs and entertainment venues throughout Istanbul—places secluded and part of a deep, dark, mysterious world of their own.

Farah squeezed into a small space between the other women in the van and leaned her head against the window, closing her eyes for a moment. Six years ago, she could never have imagined finding herself in this situation. It felt like she was trapped in a nightmare from which she couldn't wake. Her past life now seemed like a faded fairytale, serving only to give her the courage to live another day—for him. For Kerim.

Just the thought of him brought tears to her eyes, a mix of unconditional love, fear for his well-being, and the anxiety of failing him. Whenever she closed her eyes, she could see his big, bright brown eyes shining, partially hidden by dark, wavy hair that stubbornly fell across his forehead. His wide smile lit up any room.

Kerim was her entire world, and she needed to be stronger than ever for his sake. She couldn't afford to dwell on the past; she had a purpose now. Every hardship she faced would be insignificant if it meant she could build the life they deserved. Nothing and no one would stop her from achieving their dream of a safe, simple life.

Farah wiped her tears quickly and opened her eyes with renewed determination just as the van braked to a halt at their destination for the night. She rushed out of the van and hurried toward the club's back door, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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