ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ.

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chapter one
masons pov !

that was probably the longest plane ride i've ever been on. how did it take so long to get to switzerland? atleast we're here though. we landed just about a 10 minute drive from the ski resort, the teachers put us on a coach... again. and we headed off.

i sat next to rory on the coach, we talked about how excited we were to get there and start skiing. i don't talk to rory often, but she's quite nice, i found out we have quite similar music taste... new friend unlocked!

we pulled up at the ski resort and were lead off the coach by mrs mulligan, my english teacher, i don't like her, and she doesn't like me. i think it's because one time i got shakespeare and dickens mixed up, but i don't know.

when we'd all gotten off the coach we got our suitcases out of the luggage compartment and waited for the teachers to lead us to where we needed to go, or atleast give us some instructions. i looked around, seeing a big group of people, also coming off a coach, all in one way or another wearing red... porter.

now, i don't hate people from porter, quite frankly, i find the whole school rivalry thing to be stupid. i don't even know how it came around to be, but if i ever showed that i liked porter students, i'd probably be expelled. they take this whole rivalry, very, seriously.

by this point piper and naomi had made their way over, i'm not surprised, considering rory was with me.

"there's lots of people wearing red..." piper pointed out. "yeah, i'm pretty sure i recognise half of them" naomi responded. we all looked at each other and said "porter." in unison like some sort of shitty movie.

obviously, we all were wearing some sort of red... which earned us some dirty looks from the porter kids. the teachers all grabbed our attention and told us to go to reception, sign in and go to our rooms. and that we'd find out our roommates later, when we meet in our rooms. my roommate better be good or i swear i'm jumping off a ski slope at full speed.

we walked in as a gang, which probably looked very stupid, considering i'm the only boy walking with three girls. the lobby was very nice and posh.

"i'm gonna go sign in, can you guys look after my suitcase?" i asked the girls, to which they nodded and i walked off to the front desk. there was no line, thank god, i hate lines.

i signed in and got given my keycard, room 302, ok, pretty nice room, hopefully they've got elevators though cause i am not climbing up all those stairs!

just as i turned around to walk off i bumped into someone. i looked at them to apologise and oh.my.god. my world stopped, she was just so... angelic? the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. i couldn't help but stare at her, i noticed a blush rise to her cheeks. eventually i snapped out of it.

"oh- uhm- sorry. i'm mason" my voice was so wobbly, i must've looked and sounded like an idiot, stupidly i put my hand out to shake.

"nice to meet you mason, i'm victoria, but everyone calls me vic" she smiles sweetly, she was a little bit quiet, but to be honest, i had just stared at her for a minute. before i could stop myself i spoke "a pretty name for a pretty girl" causing her to blush even more than she already was.

we got talking, and it felt like it was only a minute, time just flew by when talking to her, she was so sweet. after we'd talked for only five minutes, she excuse herself to book in, which was understandable. and i walked off, back to rory, naomi and piper.

they all looked at me, raising their eyebrows slightly, piper was the first to speak up "and who was that you were talking to?" "uhm, just some girl i bumped into, victoria." "and where does this victoria go to school?" rory questioned. i had to think for a minute, she never told me, but then again, i never told her.

"i don't know... but definitely not brook, i've never seen her around." i responded, a slightly unsure look on my face. "and what colour was she wearing?" naomi asked, smirking slightly. i thought about it for a second, and looked back over at vic, before looking back at naomi. "red." i responded, and the girls all 'mhm'ed at me. it took me a minute to realise, and when i did, it felt like i got punched in the stomach.

"shit. she goes to porter."


i know i said i probably wouldn't update anything this weekend, but... i lied🤗

i hope i wrote vic and masons meeting correctly, because it was such a cute idea!!

i don't know about the quality of this chapter, but oh well!

now i need to go get ready for bike fest because gangs gonna pull up at my house in T-minus 60 minutes and i'm still sat in my pyjamas🧌


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