ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴇ.

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chapter five
naomi's pov !

(this chapter contains mentions of underage drinking and violent themes)


the shouting was loud, very loud. i pushed my way through the crowds of people to see what they were circling around. well obviously it was a fight of some sort, but you know what i mean.

i held my hands close to my chest, as if i was prepared to punch any dick that came my way, considering i was on my own. piper had wandered off into the kitchen and hadn't returned, and rory was... somewhere.

i should probably keep track of my friends at parties, but it's too late now!

once i had barged past the last few tall dickheads who were in my way, i was finally at the front of the circle, and could see what was happening.

much to my surprise, i saw miles and one of the kids from my year fighting. throwing punches at each other. i have to admit, miles is a good fighter, he threw some lethal punches- no! don't condone violence mimi. but why did he look so hot...

anyway... i soon snapped out of whatever that was and realised that this fight should probably stop. by this point miles had the boy on the floor, repeatedly slamming his fist into his face, obviously causing his nose to bleed.

before i could step in to stop the fight, a different girl did. she seemed about my age, and had some resemblance of miles. she pulled miles off of the boy and by the looks of it scolded him.

by now the crowd had filtered back out across the cabin and continued partying, once the girl had finished shouting at miles and walked off, i walked over to him.

"are you insane?" i asked, rolling my eyes. "what's wrong sweetheart? you worried about me?" "your drunk, and bleeding." i pointed out, to which he rolled his eyes.

i ignored his retort and grabbed his wrist, dragging him through the other people all around and into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"you're so stupid. y'know, i knew there was gonna be a fight tonight, that's why i didn't wanna come, it's all about the stupid rival with you boys-" "why do you care so much?" he cut me off. "what?" "why are you looking after me when you barely know me." he asked as i took out the first aid kit.

"... because you're injured, and drunk, and i'm a good human being." i answered, sitting up on the countertop next to the sink. "you're really pretty." he said as he walked up towards the counter, standing in between my legs so i could clean up his wounds.

"don't say things you don't mean, you're drunk." "stop saying that. drunk words are sober thoughts and you know it." he smirked slightly as i dabbed at the cut above his eyebrow with the alcohol wipe.

"whatever, lover boy." i rolled my eyes. "who was that girl? she yelled at you pretty harsh." "that's my twin sister, valerie."

"you have a twin?" i raised an eyebrow. "yep, since birth." "no shit, sherlock." i slapped his arm lightly causing him to laugh.

i put a bandage over the cut on his hand and looked up at him, only now had i realised how close he was as our eyes met, locking onto each others.

it felt like we had stared at each other for an eternity before i snapped out of my trance. i let out a cough. "uhm... you're all good now-" i half smiled, for some reason i just couldn't bring myself to smile fully.

"oh- uhm... yeah thanks for that." he smiled softly, a genuine look spreading across is face, and yet again, i found myself staring into his eyes.

the silence was loud, i felt tension, but i'm not sure why. why would there be tension? we're just two friends, sat in a bathroom after one of us just got in a fight that's all.

the silence was interrupted when someone opened the door, the loud, intoxicating music pounding against my ears again. both of our heads turned to look at who stood in the doorway.

"naomi!- oh lala..." it was piper. "ew, piper, no. i was cleaning up his wounds... what's wrong?" i asked,  a look of disgust forming on my face from her previous statement.

"woah sweetheart, no need to look so disgusted." he feigned offence as i rolled my eyes, looking back at piper who had an everlasting smirk on her face.

"me and rory are heading back to our room, we're gonna chill out and watch a movie, you coming?" she asked, before her eyes fell upon miles, looking him up and down, examining every little feature, as id she was a strict mother. "yeah, i'm coming." i said as i jumped down from the countertop, muttering a 'bye' to miles and leaving the bathroom with piper, closing the door behind me on my way out.

"what was that about?" she asked. "nothing." i answered bluntly as we reunited with rory, leaving the party as a three and heading back into the hotel.


finally updated😝😝

i didn't go into too much detail with the fight, mainly cause idk how to !

i was gonna make this chapter really cheesy, and in my eyes it is... but fuck it🥰🥰

next chapter will be focusing on a different couple we haven't heard about yet!!


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