Chapter 13: The Plan Continues

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The stage was a bit dark, with only a few twinkling spotlights highlighting the empty chairs of the audience.

The stage itself was bare except for a grand piano at one end and a lone violin stand at the other.

It was dress rehearsal day for the upcoming concert by the renowned musicians Estefan and Elysia.

The final rehearsal before the big night. However, things were not going as smoothly as they'd hoped.

Estefan sat at his piano, his fingers gliding over the keys as he played a hauntingly beautiful melody.

His music was his sanctuary, his escape from the world. But today, even his beloved piano couldn't calm his racing heart.

He couldn't stop thinking about the disastrous rehearsal they had the previous day.

Elysia stood beside him, her violin tucked under her chin. She played a few soft notes, but it didn't match with Estefan's playing.

Her expression turned sour as she tried to harmonize with him, but it only resulted in a jarring clash of sounds.

The conductor, who was watching from the side of the stage, let out a frustrated sigh. "Estefan, what are you doing?" he scolded, "this is not a solo performance, you need to match Elysia's tempo."

Estefan's shoulders slumped as he tried to play along with Elysia, but it was apparent that something was off.

Their playing didn't sync, like two puzzle pieces that didn't fit together.

The orchestra, who had been practicing their parts, also noticed the discordant music.

The strings and the brass sections looked at each other in confusion. They had never seen Estefan struggle like this before. He was a musical genius, a prodigy even. This was not like him.

"Estefan, stop ruining everything," yelled the orchestra director, louder than intended.

The words were like daggers to Estefan. He was trying his best, but it seemed like nothing was good enough.

Elysia, who was usually gentle and kind, spoke up, "maybe we should take a break, we can try again later."

But the conductor was not having it. "No, we don't have time for breaks. We have to get this right before tomorrow's show. Do you want to embarrass us in front of a packed audience?"

Estefan's cheeks flushed with anger. He had been practicing and rehearsing for this performance for weeks.

And yet, here he was, being insulted and humiliated by the very people he admired and respected.

The conductor continued to shout and criticize Estefan's playing, calling him a disgrace and accusing him of ruining the entire performance.

Estefan, feeling guilty for not being able to play in sync with Elysia, walked off the stage in frustration.

In the backstage corridor, Elysia hurriedly chased after Estefan, her violin case clutched tightly in her hand.

She called out to him, her voice filled with urgency and determination.

"Estefan, wait! Please, just listen to me," Elysia pleaded, her voice laced with concern. "You're more than good enough. You just need a little more practice to get in sync with the rest of us."

Estefan halted, his back turned to her, shoulders tense with frustration and self-doubt.

He let out a bitter laugh, his voice tinged with sadness. "Good enough? Elysia, you don't understand. I'm a failure. I ruin everything I touch. I'm good for nothing."

Elysia's heart ached as she heard the pain in Estefan's voice. She closed the gap between them, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "Estefan, that's not true. You have a unique talent, a passion that shines through your music. We all have our off days, but that doesn't define us."

Estefan turned to face her, his eyes filled with a mix of despair and longing. "But I keep letting everyone down. The conductor, the producers, they all scold me, insult me. They say I'm ruining everything."

Elysia gazed into his eyes, her voice filled with sincerity. "Estefan, their words may sting, but they don't define your worth. You have the power to prove them wrong. And I believe in you. I believe that we can work together to help you find your rhythm, to synchronize with the rest of the ensemble."

Estefan's gaze softened, a glimmer of hope flickering within his eyes. "You really think so? You're willing to help me?"

Elysia nodded, a determined smile on her face. "Absolutely. We're partners, remember? Partners support each other through the highs and lows. Let's rehearse together, focus on our timing and communication. We'll find a way to make it work."

Estefan then remembered what Gabriel said, the more they hang out, she would fall for him and the plan will succeed.

A mix of gratitude and vulnerability washed over Estefan's face as he realized Elysia's unwavering support.

He took a deep breath, his voice filled with determination. "Okay, let's do it. Let's prove them wrong, together."

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