Chapter 27: Guilty

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As Estefan cautiously peeks through the slightly ajar door, he can see Elysia sitting alone in the rehearsal room, her back rigid and her bow moving forcefully across the strings of her violin.

He can sense her frustration and determination as she plays, tears streaming down her face.

It was a familiar sight for Estefan, seeing Elysia practicing with such intensity. But this time, there was something different.

Her playing was not just out of passion, but also out of anger. Estefan couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as he watched her.

It was clear that she was still upset with him, and he couldn't blame her. He had said some hurtful things in the heat of the moment and he regretted it now.

But as he watches her play, he realizes that she is using this anger and pain as fuel for her music.

She plays with such ferocity and determination, as if trying to prove a point to herself and to him.

Her fingers move flawlessly across the strings, the sound of the violin filling the room.

Estefan couldn't tear his eyes away from her as she played. He had always admired her talent, but seeing her play with such raw emotion was a whole new experience.

He could feel the weight of his mistake and it weighed heavily on his heart.

Lost in his thoughts, Estefan didn't realize that Elysia had stopped playing until he heard her let out a frustrated sigh.

She had been practicing non-stop, her fingers now red and raw from the constant movement.

She reaches for her water bottle, taking a long swig before wiping her face with the back of her hand.


It was a dark and chilly evening in the month of December, in the festive season of Christmas.

The streets were decorated with colorful lights and Christmas carols could be heard echoing from every corner. But for Elysia, it was a night filled with pain and tears.

She was sitting in the bathroom of her small apartment, her body shaking and trembling with intense sobs.

The bathroom floor was covered with vomit and tissues. Elysia had been vomiting uncontrollably for the past hour, her body weak and drained of energy.

Every vomit seemed to take away a little piece of her soul. She couldn't understand what was happening to her.

Elysia had always been a vibrant and cheerful person, but for the past few weeks, she had been feeling extremely sick.

She had constant headaches, nausea, and stomach cramps. She had tried to ignore these symptoms, thinking it was just a passing flu or food poisoning.

But tonight, her condition had worsened, and she couldn't take it anymore.

As she kept crying and vomiting in pain, Elysia's thoughts went back to Estefan, her boyfriend.

He was the reason for her pain and misery tonight.

Elysia was in so much pain from the intense vomitinf that she had fainted in the bathroom.

Estefan, who was now feeling guilty for his actions, had knocked on her door. But there was no response. Worried, he barged into her house with a brand new violin.

He kept looking for her, from thr corner of his eye, he saw the unconscious Elysia lying on the floor.

He cried out in shock and rushed to her side.

Estefan immediately called for an ambulance and took Elysia to the hospital.

The doctors said if she had not been brought to the hospital on time, her condition could have been fatal.

Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, Estefan couldn't stop blaming himself for Elysia's condition.

He had never intended to hurt her, but his anger and ego had blinded him. As Elysia was being treated, Estefan stayed by her side, guilty and regretful.

Hours passed, and Elysia finally regained consciousness. She opened her eyes to see Estefan sitting beside her, tears streaming down his face.

Her eyes red and puffy from angry tears.

"Elysia, I... I'm so sorry. I know I hurt you, and I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I needed to come and see you. I needed to face what I've done."

Elysia glared at Estefan, her voice filled with a mix of anger and pain.

"Why are you here, Estefan? After everything you've done, all the pain you caused me, why now?"

Estefan's voice quivered with genuine remorse.

"I know I can't undo the past, Elysia. I made a terrible mistake, and I'm truly sorry. I've realized the weight of my actions, and I wanted to apologize to you, face-to-face."

"Apologies won't change what happened, Estefan. You betrayed our me, my trust. How could you do that?"

Estefan's eyes filled with tears, his voice choked with emotion.

"I was selfish, Elysia. I got caught up in my own problems and lost sight of what truly mattered. I let you down, and I hate myself for it. I wish I could go back and change everything."

Elysia's anger began to soften, replaced by a deep sadness.

"You can't change the past, Estefan. The damage is done. I trusted you, and you broke that trust. I don't know if I can ever forgive you."

Estefan's tears fell freely now, his voice trembling with remorse.

"I understand if you can't forgive me, Elysia. I just want you to know how truly sorry I am. I'll spend the rest of my life regretting what I did. You deserve so much better than what I gave you."

Elysia looked into Estefan's eyes, torn between anger and compassion.

"I appreciate your apology, Estefan. But forgiveness takes time, and right now, I can't promise that I'll ever fully forgive you. I need to focus on healing myself, both physically and emotionally.'

Estefan nodded, a mix of sadness and acceptance in his expression.

"I understand, Elysia. I'll respect your decision. Just know that I will always regret what I've done, and I'll be here if you ever need someone to lean on."

Elysia's gaze softened, a flicker of forgiveness in her eyes.

"Thank you for acknowledging your mistakes, Estefan. Maybe, someday, I'll find it in my heart to forgive you. But for now, I need time and space to heal."

Estefan nodded, his heart heavy with remorse.

"I'll give you all the time you need, Elysia. I'm truly sorry, and I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

With that, Estefan quietly turned and left the room, leaving Elysia with a mix of emotions and the long road of healing ahead of her.

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