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Abchanchu- disguises as an elderly person to get close to its victims.


Abhartach- A malevolent Irish cheiftain who rose from his grave to quench his thirst.

Adze- takes flight in the form of a fire fly in search of blood & if caught will revert to its human form, highly dangerous.


Algul-A vampiric demon from Arabic lore whose name translates as horse leech or bloodsucking jinni.

Aniukha- A vampiric weasel that preys on weak or sick people, ranges from the size of a mouse to a cat.

Asanbosam- The Asanbosam is a vampiric folkloric being from the Akan people. It is from the folklore of the Akan of southern Ghana, as well as the Ivory coast, Togo & 18th century Jamaica from enslaved Akan. It is known to have iron teeth, pink skin, long red hair & iron hooks for feet & lives in trees, attacking from above.

Asema- During the hours of day appears as an elderly man, at nightfall it sheds its disguise & appears as a floating, glowing orb that can go through keyholes to reach its victims.


Aufhocker- A shape-shifter that can change its gravitational pressure.



Baital- human-Bat hybrid, can make a person faint or stun them.

Bantu Dodong- A humanoid Revanant (first vampires) that lives in caves & drinks animal blood.

Bantu Parl- A Revanant that feeds on the weak or ill.

Bantu Saburo- A Revanant that lures people into the forest to be attacked by its hunting dogs. After which it drinks the blood.

Baobhan sith- A faerie type vampiric woman, that died in childbirth, can shape-shift in many animal types e.g Crow, Bat, Rat & maybe even a wolf.

Bezkost- A leech like being with no skeleton, slithers looking for blood after which it can move more normally.



Bhayankara- feeds on animal & human blood, terrifying were-Bat appearance, requires blood sacrafice to be appeased.


Bluatsauger- An ape/werewolf like vampire that can make others of its kind by feeding a victim dirt from its coffin or cave.

Blutasauger- similiar to Blutsauger, has more methods for turning someone.

Boraro- A tall pale monster.

Brahmaparush- A vicious killer that drinks blood from skulls

Broosha (Lilith)- believed to be the first, Lilith took the form of a large black cat.

Buo- vampiric ghost of slain enemys of war.

Burach Bhadi- A huge leech.

Broxa-A bird-like vampiric witch.


Camazotz- A Mayan deity which has features of the vampire Bat.

Catacano- A vampire with a huge constant smile from greece, it can make other Catacano by injecting its blood into others.

Cercopes- humanoide/goblin that preys on the young.

Chedipe- A woman with a tiger steed, they prey on men for their blood.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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