Eesha's Whispers of Love and Hope

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Author's POV:

Love is a deep and emotional feeling where one experiences a blend of emotions like excitement, empathy, care, longing, desire, warmth, and almost every emotion possible. No one can say how love happens or even how many times it happens. It is a pure feeling where one can feel the depth of emotions to the extent that there is no hesitation. They are ready to face any pain in the world for their loved ones.

Before love, the other person is just a stranger. But once love takes root, you feel as though a piece of your heart resides within them. You begin to see yourself in them, recognizing their heart as belonging to you. You vow to protect that heart until your last breath, unsure of the extent to which you can go, but knowing your soul resides more in them than in yourself. You lose yourself completely to them, becoming incredibly sensitive to every emotion.Love has the power to both break and make you.

Suddenly, this stranger is no longer just a face in the crowd. They become a part of your world, your thoughts constantly drifting towards them.You begin to see them differently. Their smile brings you joy, their sadness makes you ache. You find yourself caring deeply for their well-being, willing to do anything to see them happy. You notice the little things about them. The depth of your feelings surprises you. You're ready to face any obstacle, endure any pain, just to keep them close.

Your heart feels heavy with the intensity of your emotions, but you wouldn't have it any other way. Their happiness becomes your own, and you start to see a piece of your heart in them.You no longer feel whole without them. Your soul feels intertwined with theirs, and you can't imagine life any other way. You become sensitive to every emotion, every change in their mood. You will sometimes become vulnerable, but you embrace it, knowing that love is worth it. Love can break you, shattering your heart into pieces. But it can also make you, building you up into someone stronger, more compassionate, and more complete. The journey of love is unpredictable, filled with highs and lows, but it's a journey worth taking, for it's the most profound and beautiful experience one can have.

Every time Eesha sees the idols of Mahadev and Parvati, she felt a that kind of love radiating from them. She longed to experience the heights of love and to face the challenges that came with it.

It was noon, and the Mahajan mansion was unusually quiet. After a week of wedding preparations, everyone had retired to their rooms for a much-needed rest. Eesha, after having lunch with the family and engaging in the usual funny bickerings of the Mahajans, felt her heart content with the lively atmosphere of the home. Agastya had given her a few days off and planned to transfer her to the headquarters of RM Solutions, which was closer to the Mahajan mansion than her maternal home.

Retreating to her room, Eesha sat on the couch, gazing out the window, lost in her thoughts. She absentmindedly touched her mangalsutra, reminiscing about how she had fallen in love with Rudranksh. She remembered the vow she had made to herself to cherish and protect Rudranksh's heart as if it were her own, until her last breath.

Eesha's love for Rudranksh was like the love she saw in the idols of Mahadev and Parvati – timeless, unwavering, and all-encompassing. She had vowed to protect his heart with all the strength she possessed, to face any pain that came their way.

As she continued to stare out the window, Eesha felt a profound sense of peace. Her heart was heavy with love, but it was a beautiful weight, one that she was willing to carry for the rest of her life. In that quiet moment, she knew that her love for Rudranksh was a gift, something sacred and eternal, just like the love of Mahadev and Parvati.Eesha thought about how, in the blink of an eye, Rudranksh had become her everything. She had always believed that love required deep understanding, time spent together, and knowing each other's likes and dislikes. She thought it was a long journey to fall in love. Yet, she couldn't comprehend how she had fallen into this beautiful, unseen emotion called love with Rudranksh in just a mere moment.

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