Ok .. Damn✌

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Hey it's Abbi☝💕well today my head is hurting like hell .. But yet my mom makes me go to school but when my sister has a tiny cough it's like go call 911 she Finna die no school for her like wth😴💅tbh I've never liked school even when I was in like preschool I hating I mean why do little kids get so excited to go to school like wtf it's a living hell🙋👹I only have like 2 friends bc ppl just don't really like my personality 😂✊ bitches be thinking Igaf😊my 2 friends names are Delilah &' Sam
Sam &' I have been friends since we were little and neighbors too 😜💗 me &' Delilah became friends in 6th grade which was amazing bc I don't know what I would do without either of them .. Probably be in a crazy house😂 Jp but still it's could happen ..
Anywayyyy when I get to school my head is like getting hit with a brick or something I just can't take it 🙌 and it doesn't help that jerks be coming up to me telling me stuff.. Like go suck some balls lmao ppl get on my nerves I swear
Ok so in my first class there's a new kid named Danny .. His cute ig I mean all the girls r all over him even Delilah which makes me laugh😂😂✌I was in science by the way and my science teacher mr.DickFace☺😂 told him to sit next to me &' all the girls kept staring like damnnn🙋can I help u??but me &' Danny start talking and he gets my sc and adds me and ig it's a start of a beautiful friendship lol .. after classes I see my sister oo shii I try and hide under my sweater but the Barbie doll saw me😒

"Hey sis what's up"

"Nothing just living a cra... Nvm it doesn't matter"

"Yes it does ur my sister &' I care for u &' is here for u"

Then I snap when I hear those words

"Here for me ! Mhm sure u can stop lying to me .. You know what I don't got time for this bye 👋"

I feel bad &' run to the bathroom and lock myself in the bathroom stall
And the thoughts just keep coming
"What's wrong with me being mean to her .. She didn't do anything ugh I'm such a horrible person" tears roll down my face .. "I can't do this"
During lunch I run home &' surprise surprise my moms is home .. I run upstairs to the bathroom and grab my blade out from under this basket it's where I hide it so no one can get it .. One cut two cut three cut ... Tears rolling down my face "I'm such a mistake I'm a mean horrible person what's wrong with me !!?! Freaking everything I be mean for no reason!" Then I hear a knock on the door "sweetie r u okay?" It's mom "yes mom I'm fine
"Ok tell me if u need anything ill be downstairs ".. Funny she didn't even ask why I wasn't in school but w.e I wasn't complaining .. Later on I get a picture from my dad .. It's of me &' him .. I look at the back and it says "how would u like to live with me &' make our bond strong again..?"

Well ig ima stop cuz I'm tired a'f so yeah uhm I bit of a confusing story but later on it will make sense hopefully😂😊 byee!

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