Chapter 1

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He stayed quietly in his office, carefully checking the records and looking at some names, fixing his gaze on one in particular: Lucas.
That boy had been missing for a week, and no one, not even his distraught family, knew where he was or what had happened to him, thus beginning his search.
He looked up, noticing the impending annoying sound of the bell, which announced the start of the break, a selection moment for him.
He immediately headed to the most frequented place: the outside of the school. The kids went there to play soccer or volleyball next to the football field. He stayed silent for a while, watching them one by one, and after identifying the one he thought was the most suitable, he approached him.

"So? What can you tell me?" he asked with a half-smile;
"Nothing much" the boy replied sullenly;
"You seem down, what's wrong?"
"It's about Lucas. They can't find him, and I'm worried."
"I understand. Don't worry, it will all be resolved."
"I hope so."
"Alright then, I'll leave you alone" and he left.

If the victim had been connected to the previous one, someone might have thought it was a pattern revolving around a single person, but it wasn't. He simply never liked noisy people; they got on his nerves, he really couldn't stand them.

That's why he sometimes took time to visit two who stayed quietly in a corner, enjoying their silence and calm, which masked all that noise caused by others. "How's the duo?" he would always say, and they would respond, "Good." Their conversations, if they could be called that, always ended before they started, and it was perfect for both parties.

After the break, he went up to the second floor to go to class and start the lesson. He said nothing for the first few minutes, waiting for everyone to arrive, checking the register to mark the absentees. Then he spoke:

"Alright, kids, open your books to page 112 so we can start."
Some groaned about their missing books, others about having to do a subject like history in the third period.
"As I hope you already know, Italy became unified in 1861, formed mostly by the Italian regions. The capital was not Rome, but Turin. Remember this well because it will definitely be on the test" he said while drawing a diagram on the blackboard.

He liked being a teacher, not to help the students, of course, but to fully enjoy the silence that fell after the start of one of his exhausting and boring lessons. Indeed, after the first 20 minutes, everyone was silent, with tired eyes, and some even fell asleep. They were only awakened by the sound of the bell, signaling the end of the period and the start of the next.

He then moved to the next class, the most hateful as far as he was concerned. Already at the door, he felt his hands tingling, a pain in his head, and a nervous heat pervading his body.

"Please be quiet" he said as he entered the room. The previous teacher hadn't waited for him to arrive, so the students had the opportunity to sit wherever they wanted, without respecting the previously assigned seats. He noticed it immediately and pointed it out:

"I will report anyone who has moved to the class coordinator."

He knew it would be quicker to report the entire class, but he decided not to, as his favorite student was right there. They had met in that classroom, while the teacher was scolding them, and he was the only one listening in silence.

"You can't think of continuing the school year like this! I'll fail all of you" he threatened that day, and everyone started laughing.
They were exhausting, unbearable, and if he could, he would make them all disappear, just as the red-haired boy would have done. The two of them were on the same wavelength, hating too much noise and wanting to get rid of anyone who caused it.

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