The Call

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"Yeah, I'm ready," I answer still on the call. 

"So, what took you so long?" Ant asks as I can just imagine the cocky smirk on his face.

"I can hang up right now if thats what you would prefer Anthony," I joke in a fake serious tone.

"No!" I hear him screech as I burst into laughter.

"Fine, I guess I'll keep you on the phone," I say in a fake annoyed tone.

"Don't give me attitude young lady," He says in a deep voice.

"Ewww don't call me young lady," I grimace. And he just laughs loudly on his side of the phone.

"Okay, lets get serious now," Ant says and I sigh, knowing I couldn't hang up.

"Okay, Tell me exactly what happened after you left my house that night," I say in a sad voice.

"Alright, so as soon as I left your house I was ecstatic. I had just had the best night ever with you and I was so god damn happy. But then as soon as I got to my house, with a huge smile on my face, Spider was sitting on my front step. He started questioning my whereabouts, but he had this knowing smirk on his face. So I told him I was at your house. He didn't appreciate that very much. He glared at me and scolded me which instantly wiped the smile off my face. He told me that if I didn't want to be known as the guy who fucked the freak, and then he gave me his phone," Ant explains but stops.

"Ant, what was on the phone?" I sniff, trying to hold back tears, already knowing what was probably on his phone.

"It was photos and videos of us. Together," He finishes and it makes me burst into tears.

"What did you say to him next?" I question through my sobs.

"I told him I'd stop hanging out with you, if he deleted those photos and videos. And so he threw his phone at me so I could delete the photos. Which I did, I even deleted them from the deleted file. I felt so bad I couldn't stand to face you, and after a few days when I started to ignore you and every time I did ignore you, I could see your smile become less and less. Then when I started to notice when you didn't show up to school for 3 and a half weeks. I felt like punching spider in his face for making me be the cause of your unhappiness," He starts to sniffle as well.

"Those 3 and a half weeks I wasn't at school, I was in a really bad place. Cash and I had a huge fight because Cash started hanging out with Chook and the Eshay's. And he was starting to deal with them, and then I started hanging out with Chook. But I always knew he wanted something more from me. And I was lonely I didn't have my best friend so I became angry and I became someone who I hate. And then shortly after me and Chook started fooling around I gave Dusty the handy. I was just really lonely without you Ant," I say as I started to stop crying.

"I'm so sorry I was stupid and immature and most importantly that I wasn't there for you," Ant says guiltily.

"I don't know how to forgive you for this Anthony," I sigh.

"Please don't shut me out again Sparrow," He begs.

"Like you did to me for over a year?" I angrily ask. 

"I'm sorry Sparrow, I honestly don't know what else to do. Tell me what I can do to make you at least tolerate me again?" He pleads and I scoff.

"You are asking all the wrong questions Anthony Vaughn. I can't tell you what to do to make it better, you've got to want to change and put in a effort if you want me to ever think about forgiving you Anthony," I say starting to raise my voice as I get slightly more irritated.

"I don't know what else to say Arabella. I really am sorry, I wish I could take it all back, and-" He starts off.

"But that's the thing Ant! You can't take it all back! And you expect me to just forgive you after what you did just because you said sorry!? And if you don't know what to say, then I think this phone call is just about done Ant," I sigh as I close my eyes for a few seconds.

"No, please don't hang up! I am going to try. I'm going to try to make you realise how much I want you back in my life, how much you mean to me. And I'm not gonna let Spider control who I hang out with. I've been miserable without you Sparrow," He pleads with me, I can hear the desperation through the phone.

"I don't know as of right now but, maybe in the future I might be able to find it in myself to forgive you. But not yet Ant, it's too early. I will give you a chance to prove yourself though, I'll see you at school tomorrow Anthony," I finalise as I wait for his response.

"Thank you so much Arabella. I'll see you at school tomorrow," He says and I can tell he is smiling like an idiot. I hang up as I let out a huge sigh. I stand back up and I make my way back inside Missy's house. When I get to her room I see her smirking at me.

"What?" I ask with a small laugh.

"Soooooo, what did you and your LOVVVEERRRRR BOYYYYY talk about?" She smirks.

"Umm, please don't call him that Mis," I cringe.

"Well what would you like me to call him? Your fuck buddy from the past who now wants to y'know ride the bullet train?" She silently judges me as she humps the air in a sarcastic way.

"NO NEVER THAT!" I burst into laughter as does she.

"Well I'm not wrong," She laughs as I fall onto her bed almost pushing her off.

"So are you and him gonna y'know bump uglies again any time soon?" She asks seriously.

"Umm, no not yet. I'm gonna give him a chance to prove he actually wants me for me and not just another line on his body count," I say as I look up at her ceiling. 

"I'm scared Missy," I continue.

"Why are you scared Bella?" She asks as I finally look at her.

"If he is just attracted to my body and not for me as a person," I say as tears start to well up in my eyes.

"Oh Bell, I can promise you he isn't. He may hang out with fuck boys like spider but he's a sweetheart. And plus I think he would be too dumb to do that, I'm surprised one of them hasn't gotten a chick pregnant yet," She says and I laugh loudly.

"I think we should go to sleep Bella. We have a loong day tomorrow," She says as she turns off the lights.

"I love you Missy," I mutter as I turn around.

"I love you too Arabella, I'm glad we became friends," She says as we both start to fall asleep.

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