spunch bub: i need to for rot work Now. Bye poteik
Potrik: Goodie spucnh baub
aSpimcha baub goes to work
spunch bub: Hi beryone!,a,w, Hi skeidwerd!,,,, Hi mr. crubz!,,, Hi skeiwderd...
Incidental 232: why did you say Hi skeiwderd two times.....
Spunch bub: i like skeidwerd.............
Skeidwerd: 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽
Socunsha bubm True!
Mr,c rubs: Arg boho. bitch get in th kitchen and wake me some money-ya!,,,,,
Psudnaha bub: Yes sir!,s,w,w,w,wmejhkv.
Skeidwerd: cheeky bitch... one small fries and crubbi putti for customer 1...
Incidental 241: With sauce!
skeiwderd: What he said if
Spunch bubm Cumming right up!,,,,
He cooks the food
Spunch ahh: Order number 1!!!!
sjeiwdEr: okay hot-spunch bub...
He gives green bitch with hat the food
incidental 241: thanks!,!,,
this is him btw ^^^^
skeiwderd:: okay.
spucn( bub: youre welcome!!!oh another customer...
incidental 69: uh um... i'll take a kelp soda
spunch bub: okayg... *he makes kelp soda* oka6 here you are sir,..???
incidnetal69: Yayg
skeiwde4: hey spunch bub? is it break time
spunch bub: Oh now it is.
skiedwe4: come in the back. i need to talk to you
Tbc 🤢🙀😹🎃🤢💀🎃😹🙀😺😹🤖🤢😽😸🤢😽👾😷😽😹💀🤡😷🙀🤠💩🙀🙀🎃🤑 🤐👽😹😷απόηχος στη στη ζουπάν κι σκ ζωόφιλε έναν κιδς σκιά σεξ σας σκιά σκας ει δις φυρρι
skeidbub fanfiction
Fanfictionhot story about the love of skeidwerd and spunch bub... in thsi story is a lot of ACTION,,,, silly,,,,, and maybe a little bodonhonkabobohonakazoingazoingus. read