"Liora," Elana servant like me at the Governor's castle; She Called upon me waving at a distance.

She quickly approached me "hurry up let's eat before the sun came out or we both have to go on empty stomach," I nodded. This is the rule of the Castle, all servants should eat their breakfast before the sun rise or you'll get your next meal at the evening. We both moved together In the kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked bread mixed with the earthy scent of porridge simmering over the fire. We all hurried in and out, grabbing thick slices of bread, some spreading butter or cheese on top. Wooden bowls of porridge were passed around, and a few lucky ones of us managed to snag a boiled egg or a slice of cold meat. We quickly filled our plates and  rushed to our table; eating quickly, chatting quietly .....

"You heard about the news?" Elena questioned having a big bite.
"What news," I added, confused.
"The governor would return from war," she added.
"Really?" Shockingly I questioned.
"Yeah, I know isn't he amazing?"
"Yeah, he is,"
"Quit nagging, Quickly eat your meals," the head Shouted.
Finishing our meal we quickly head out to our rooms my small room barely enough to see by. I dressed quickly in the plain, worn clothes of a servant, the fabric rough against my skin. Well this is my life.

The sun had barely risen above the horizon, casting its first rays over the Governor's castle, and already my day had begun.

The castle was a grand structure, with towering walls and intricate designs that spoke of wealth and power. To me, it was a maze of hallways and rooms, each one holding its own secrets and stories. I had been a servant here for as long as I could remember, my life a series of endless chores and whispered orders. I never questioned it; I had no reason to. It was all I knew.

My first task of the day was to tend to the garden. It was my favorite part of the castle, a sanctuary of sorts, where I could escape the demands of my duties, if only for a little while. The garden was vast, filled with an array of flowers and plants, each one carefully tended to by the gardeners and myself. I loved the feel of the earth between my fingers, the smell of the flowers, the sense of peace it brought me. But i couldn't stay their for too long it's the Governor favorite place and by none the garden should be empty and no one dares to disobey his orders and if you do you'll lose something really precious.

As Governor, Alaric, was a powerful man, trusted by the King himself. The rumors say that he was 16 when he first went to war and Succeeded he have never lose any battle and it really suits him to I had seen him only a few times, always from a distance. He moved with a grace and confidence that seemed almost otherworldly, his presence commanding and intimidating. The other servants spoke of him with a mixture of fear and respect, their voices hushed whenever his name was mentioned.

My tasks kept me busy throughout the day. Cleaning, cooking, serving the nobles who visited the castle. Each day blended into the next, a monotonous routine that rarely changed. But it was safe, and in a world as uncertain as ours, safety was a precious commodity.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, I moved from the garden to the kitchens, the heat from the stoves a stark contrast to the cool morning air. The head cook, Mistress Ada, was already barking orders, her sharp voice cutting through the clatter of pots and pans. I joined the other servants in preparing the midday meal, my hands moving automatically, the actions ingrained in me from years of practice.

Despite the hard work, there was a sense of camaraderie among us. We were all in this together, bound by our shared experiences and struggles. There were moments of laughter, of whispered conversations and stolen glances, moments that made the long hours bearable.

By the time the sun began to set, I was exhausted, my body aching from the day's labor. But there was still more to be done. The nobles would be dining soon, and everything had to be perfect. I moved through the dining hall, setting the tables with precision, each piece of silverware placed just so.

As I worked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. There was something in the air, a tension that seemed to permeate the castle. I saw it in the faces of the other servants, in the hurried steps of the guards. I didn't know what it was, but it made my heart race with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

I didn't dare to make eye contact with a Nobel so.i simply bowed and left as my work was done.

Finally, my duties for the day were done. I returned to my small room, the weight of exhaustion settling over me like a heavy blanket. As I lay down on my thin mattress.

Meanwhile outside of the Servants Room

Elena's POV

It was now time to return to our rooms and rest. All were going in a group.

"Did you see how the Governor was looking at Liora," one of them whispered.

"Yeah, all Expressionless," the other replied. A smirk came across my side lip

"Expressionless! My ass, I saw a different type of urge in his eyes" I murmured to myself.

"Did you said something Elena,"

"Huh! no not actually,"

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