a star, is what she could've been

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a dozen white roses fell through the trees
a dozen white roses fell on bloody, scraped knees

the white represents light
the light represents purity

pure is the child she was
before the insecurity

the thought made her pause
thinking of the potential

potential is what jupiter had
to become a star

a star is what the child would've been
if she tried to make it far

far she has gone
but in an unforeseen direction

the direction, she didn't choose
but now it seems, she had nothing left to lose

as lose she did, some parts here and there
but gain, she also did, to make it all fair

fair was what she was
with everyone, regardless of their flaws

flaws were what she had
but fair to herself, she was not

which prompted her to always say,

"not to be rude,
but the universe surely is crude
in every way"

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