Chapter 1 - Phased Beginning

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A Dreamers Path
Light Novel

Well, was that it?

I didn't even know how I die?

Did I even die?

I'd question if this is the afterlife.

Anyhow it's better than suffocation of regret

Life wasn't so kind, as a 20-year-old disappointment...

Yeah, that's where it all started in high school.

I could have done better, to be honest

Maybe shutting myself in at 15 a bad idea?

Naive thinking during adolescents proved to be my downwards spiral.

I'm impressed of how people even stuck up with me.
Who's so selfish..

Eh... mere thoughts can't change the past.



Where am i anyways? looks like a ..?


"W-woah.. h-hello.."

-Welcome to UN-----

-"Your will manifested into reality.. through a process Un-phase"-

-"Goodbye.. I'll be watching"-

"What will?"

I woke up in an unfamiliar area.. a crib?..

Adjusting my eyes to the light...

Damn. I feel so weak.


In the room.. seemed to be two people I guess would have been my parents..?

"Dear, he looks so vibrant!"

"Yes he'll grow into a fine warrior one day"

Hmm.. my parents seem nice.

"Wanna bet if he'll be a magician or a swordsman?"

"Oh it's far too early to be thinking about that"

I understand how you feel. "Hmm. But he'll be a magician!"


4 Years Later

It's been four years since my reincarnation.

A fairly long period but i haven't forgotten any of my important memories.

This world is full of sorcery and swords.

I look outside, a vivid mountain ranges

Living through life once. After a lot of regret. I realise that childhood isn't a place to relax.

I haven't found out the reason I've Reincarnated yet.

Or who it was I met then.

For now, I'd like to figure out as much as I can in this world.

Information is key after all.

My parents keep a lot of books.. they have an entire study in their home.

It's like a library in there..

I usually search and read books there..

"Arcana and Theoretical Sorcerys 101"...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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