The Lonely Swing

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The village of Konoha was bathed in the warm glow of the early morning sun. Birds chirped happily in the trees, and the streets slowly filled with villagers starting their day. At the edge of the playground near the academy, a small figure sat alone on a creaky swing, gently swaying back and forth. Naruto Uzumaki, a six-year-old boy with bright blonde hair and curious blue eyes, kicked at the dirt beneath his feet, lost in thought.

Naruto's life was a puzzle he couldn't quite solve. The villagers often looked at him with disdain or pity, whispering behind his back. He didn't understand why. All he knew was that he was alone, and the sense of isolation gnawed at him.

Today, the academy was closed for a festival, but Naruto had no interest in joining the festivities. He preferred the solitude of the playground, where he could think and dream of a time when he would be acknowledged and respected by everyone in the village.

As he sat there, Naruto's sharp mind wandered, thinking about the things he observed around the village. He noticed how the adults talked to each other, the way their faces lit up when they were happy or darkened with worry. He often watched the other children playing, wishing he could join them, but knowing that they would only push him away.

From his spot on the swing, Naruto could see a group of kids playing ninja games. They laughed and shouted, completely absorbed in their make-believe battles. Naruto watched closely, analyzing their moves and tactics.

He noticed patterns in their strategies, identifying weaknesses and strengths in their approaches. With keen observation, naruto started formulating his own strategies, imagining how he would approach similar challenges.

As Naruto observed, he noticed a black-haired boy struggling with a particular move. The other children laughed and teased him, but Naruto could see the frustration in the boy's eyes. Without hesitation, Naruto approached him.

"Hey, I noticed you're having trouble with that move," Naruto said, trying to sound casual.

The boy looked up, surprised to see Naruto standing there. "Yeah, I can't get it right," he admitted, his shoulders slumping.

Naruto studied the boy for a moment, then offered a suggestion. "Try shifting your weight like this," he demonstrated, mimicking the motion. "It might help you keep your balance better."

The boy tried the move again, this time following Naruto's advice. To his amazement, he succeeded, executing the move with ease. A grin spread across his face as he turned to Naruto. "Hey, thanks! That really helped!"

Naruto smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. It was a small victory, but it made him realize that he had something valuable to offer, even if it wasn't recognized by the villagers. He may not have the strength or the status of a ninja, but he has his intelligence and his ability to understand people.

Starting today Naruto would spend his time observing, learning, and honing his skills. He would glue himself in books from the village library, studying everything from ninja techniques to history and strategy.

Though the villagers still treated him with disdain, Naruto found solace in his studies and his newfound sense of purpose. He knew that one day, he would prove them all wrong and show them the true power of his intellect.

This is the end of this chapter while I understand that it might be small, I hope you understand, anyways allow me to offer up some information for this story and later chapters, this is a story about what if Naruto Uzumaki had a code Geass power, while there might be some similarities to the power that Lelouch had, naruto's power would be different, his own version of a code Geass power,

And to be honest, I don't know how to explain how he gets the power in the first place, I could make it where he gets it from the Kyuubi, or the sage of six paths, or I could make it where it was bloodline limit from his dad's side of the family or even his mother's side of the family, that will be a topic for future chapters.

As you can see naruto will act differently from the original, not too much at least for now, he will still be a kind and determined boy just way smarter than the original, his attitude might change in the future chapters but to be honest I myself don't know how much I should make him change, since I still want to keep some of his original personality intact.

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