The talk

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Before we start this chapter let me offer some information, Itachi as you can see isn't yet a missing-nin nor has he done the Uchiha Clan Massacre which Means my timeline is far different from the original.

While I am still planning on having him betray his "village" by killing off his clan, I will not do it now since that would destroy all use that I have for him, and I also don't really like the Uchiha Massacre that much anyway.

My reason for this is actually quite simple, there were other options Itachi could have done which would have either done the same or even had a better outcome, so keeping that in mind let's start with sasuke in his room getting ready for school.

As he adjusted his uniform and gathered his school supplies, Sasuke was soon called by his mother to come down and eat breakfast, now while he wanted to just skip breakfast altogether, he didn't for one simple reason.

What was Shikamaru always saying, oh right it was women are very troublesome, that particular saying also worked well for sasuke since his mother was very scary even more than his father who was the clan head.

To be honest, the only reason why his dad was the clan leader instead of his mother was because the clan was sexist, Sasukes mother had way more rights and power to be the clan head thanks to her being from the family of the last clan head.

With that thought in mind, he soon walked downstairs to see his mother, his father and his brother all sitting in the dining room with the servants placing the food on the table.

Itachi saw his little brother coming down the stairs with a smile, it was truly a good thing and a very happy thing to see.

"Oh, what got you in such a good mood little brother, do you perhaps have a secret girlfriend?" he asked even tho he knew that wasn't the truth, his question made both his father and mother look at sasuke in surprise they didn't think their son would have a girlfriend at his age, he was only eight after all.

As Itachi playfully teased Sasuke about the possibility of having a secret girlfriend, Sasuke's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "No, Itachi, it's nothing like that," he replied, trying to suppress his bashful smile. "I was just... looking forward to school, that's all."

But then, a glimmer of excitement danced in Sasuke's eyes as he continued, "Actually, I think I made a friend." His voice held a note of genuine enthusiasm as he spoke. "There's this kid at school who helped me with a move, and he seemed really nice."

Sasuke's parents, who had been quietly observing the exchange, shared a look of surprise and interest. His mother's gentle smile widened, reflecting her delight at her son's budding social connections. "That's wonderful news, Sasuke," she chimed in, her tone warm and encouraging. "Friendships are important, especially as you continue your training to become a ninja."

Their father, who had been quietly sipping his tea, set down his cup with a thoughtful expression. "A friend, you say?" he mused, his gaze turning to Sasuke with a hint of curiosity. "What's their name? Do they come from a respected clan?"

Sasuke hesitated for a moment, his mind racing to recall the name his new acquaintance had mentioned. "His name is Naruto," he replied, a touch of uncertainty in his voice. "And as for his clan... I'm not sure. He didn't mention it."

Once sasuke said this, Fukaku soon looked at his son with surprise which softened into a knowing smile as Sasuke mentioned Naruto's name. "Ah, Naruto," he mused, his tone carrying a hint of familiarity. "Yes, I've heard of him. He's quite the... unique individual, from what I gather."

Sasuke's curiosity piqued at his father's cryptic response. "Unique? How so?" he inquired, his interest growing with each passing moment.

Fukaku considered his words carefully before responding. "Naruto has always marched to the beat of his own drum, so to speak," he explained, his gaze thoughtful. "He's faced his fair share of challenges, but he's never let them dim his spirit. There's a resilience to him, a determination that's... admirable."

Sasuke nodded, absorbing his father's words. "I see," he murmured, a sense of intrigue tugging at him. "Well, regardless of what others may think, I'm glad I met him. He seemed... genuine."

Fukaku smiled warmly at his son's observation. "It's good to see you making connections with your peers, Sasuke," he remarked, his voice filled with pride. "Just remember to approach new friendships with an open mind and a discerning heart. Trust is earned, not given freely."

With his father's words echoing in his mind, Sasuke felt a renewed sense of determination. As he finished his breakfast and prepared to head off to the academy, he couldn't shake the feeling that his encounter with Naruto was just the beginning of a friendship that would shape both of their destinies in ways they could never have imagined.

It took him a while to get to the academy, but he was finally there.

(Before we go into his perspective let us continue with Fukaku)

"Our son is friends with Naruto, that is something I didn't see happen but I think it would do them both great, do you both agree with me?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes Father it's a good thing, that poor kid already had to suffer a lot for his age thanks to him being yk, but father will this friendship also be its own problem, we already facing backlash from something we didn't do, do you really think the villagers and hokage-sama wouldn't find it suspicious?" he asked to which Fukaku's smile faltered slightly at his son's question.

his expression thoughtful as he considered the potential implications of Sasuke's friendship with Naruto. "You raise a valid point, Itachi," he acknowledged, his tone serious. "Given the current climate in the village, any association with Naruto could be viewed with suspicion by certain individuals."

His wife, who had been listening quietly, interjected with a note of concern in her voice. "But we can't let fear dictate our actions, Fukaku," she urged gently, her eyes meeting her husband's with unwavering resolve. "Sasuke deserves the chance to form his own friendships, regardless of the circumstances. And if Naruto is truly as genuine as Sasuke believes, then I see no reason to discourage their bond."

Fukaku nodded in agreement, grateful for his wife's steadfast support. "You're right, of course," he conceded, a sense of determination creeping into his tone. "Sasuke should be allowed to forge his own path, free from the prejudices of others. And if Naruto is indeed a friend worth having, then we should support their friendship wholeheartedly."

With a shared understanding, the family fell into a thoughtful silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they contemplated the implications of Sasuke's newfound friendship. And as they prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, they knew that together, they could weather any storm that threatened to divide them.

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