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We roll into our destination only 30 minutes late. There was more traffic than either of us have anticipated, an accident or something had happened earlier that morning causing everyone to have to drive around where the accident had happened. Some people ended up merging too late, having to force themselves over into the other lane last minute which just made the entire process even longer than it needed to. By time we got rolling again it felt like hours later, yet we were still excited to get here.

I think Alia is more excited than I am, though. She hasn't seen Tony since he left on a three month tour, so she's been counting down the seconds until they see each other again. 

"So are they here already?" I ask her as we get out the car. Stretching my legs feels so nice after spending three and a half hours in a car.

"No, but they should be here soon." she says. "I figured we could get everything set up for them so they can relax when they get here."

Apparently both guys are coming right from the tour. Like they're getting off their bus then getting in a car together and heading up here to meet us. They already had their clothes in suitcases anyways and Alia said if they go home first then they'll try to stay home, so she gave them strict orders to come here as soon as their off their tour bus.

"Are you sure you don't mind being with my brother?" Alia asks me for the hundredth time. "I could always switch with him so that him and Tony can stay together."

"I think they've spent enough time crammed in a tiny space together." I point out to her. "I don't mind at all."

"Okay but let me know if ever you want to switch." she says to me. "You think it'll be weird to see him again? You haven't seen him since you were what, 16?"

"Yeah, I was like 15 or 16 last time I saw him. I'm excited though, I can't wait to hear about how travelling is."

Alia rolls her eyes. "Jaime will have no problem going on and on about that." she says with a laugh. I'm sure to her its old news since she's always hearing about it. Not only does Jaime probably talk nonstop about it, but having Tony as her husband means she hears it from him too. I'm sure she's been on the bus before and knows the entire life of tour, but to me it's something different. Its cool.

Alia pops her trunk open signaling that it's now time to unpack all the shit we've forced into her car. I stretch again, putting my hands together and stretching them up over my head. Not only are my legs tight from sitting, but so is the rest of me. The most movement I got in the car was changing the AC settings in the car, and even then I only did it twice.

"So this suitcase and this one," she says, pointing to the small pink and black suitcases closest to me. "Can go in the cabin with the red door. That one is for Tony and I. The other one will go with you guys if thats okay. I'm going to get the chairs out and set up our fishing gear and everything."

Seeing as how I didn't even know we had fishing gear, it's only fair that I bring the suitcases and not argue or anything. I lug the two suitcases to the cabin with the red door, trying not to think about how heavy they are and how bumpy the terrain is. Not only is it uneven, but there's rocks everywhere which is making the suitcases try to flip over as I wheel them.

After I bring the suitcases I go back for her last suitcase and my own. I bring them to my cabin which sits 30 feet away from the other one, this one has a blue door on the front though rather than red. The inside looks fairly the same. The door opens into a tiny kitchen and living room together, then right to the left is a small bathroom that comes complete with a shower, thank God. The only difference between our cabins is that mine has two small bedrooms, each with a twin bed in it; Alia's and Tony's has one bedroom with a bigger bed. The space between the two rooms for Jaime and I is pretty much nonexistent, only a very thin wall between them.

Before I can let my mind wonder too much I push myself to go back outside and get the rest of the stuff from the car. I let the blue cabin door bang closed behind me and scan the area to see where Alia is. I don't see her, but I do see something else that's even better. A white car with two guys in it has pulled up right beside Alia's car. Jaime and Tony are here.

I watch as Jaime gets out of the car and stretches out just like I did when I got here. His hair is kind of messy but in a cute way, the dark hair sticking up in different directions like it has a mind of its own. I notice right away that he has more tattoos now than he had before. The last time I saw him he had maybe 10 tattoos, but now I can see that one entire arm is covered in tattoos. He looks like he used to all those years ago, just older and cuter. I also notice that he looks tired but considering he did just end a tour then immediately make a three hour drive up to a cabin I can't really blame the guy. 

Jaime sees me standing outside the cabin and grins at me, his dimples coming out just like they used to all those years ago. "Hi Karlie." he says, his voice smooth.

Oh yeah, I'm screwed.

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