Modeling PT 3

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Heathers POV:

"This is fucking ridiculous! Our own 12 year old daughter shouldn't have to be scared to do what she loves because of a grown man!" I was shaking in tears, while my husband warmly rubbed my back.

"I know.  -We need to take that shithead to court. Or kick his ass." He ran his hands through his hair clearly distressed.

"We- we can't let this happen ever again. We need to protect her." I stood up and placed my hands on the counter to breathe.

Valentina's POV:

"-okay, and how did this make you feel?" She flashed me a fake reassuring smile.

I thought back to all the emotions I felt that day. I felt about a million in the moment.. "Terrible..- degraded.. unloved. Like a slut kind of." Ever since that day I've only been able to wear baggy clothes.

The therapist squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. "Okay.. where all did he touch you?"

My eyes widened and I stiffened, everywhere. Everywhere was the correct word. actually, everywhere he shouldn't have. "My- uh.. chest... waist.. lower areas.."

"Have you spoke with an adult about this?" She crossed her legs and wrote things down.

"Uh.. yeah my parents are aware of it.." "are they going to go to court about it?" God I hope so.. I hope and swear that I will get justice. This whole situation has fully changed me mentally and physically.

Ever since that moment.. I feel like I should hate sexual things, and stay away from them. But no.. instead I crave them. And it makes me sick to my stomach. I can't even go one day without having a sexual fantasy.

"How do you feel after it?" Maybe this will help. "Well.. I feel like I shouldn't think about sexual things.. but after I just- crave them."

The therapist looked to the side as if she was in deep thought, and I got tensed. "It seems your body is responding to the trauma with hyper sexuality." I gained a puzzled look.

"What- what's that?" " Hypersexualization can also be a valid trauma response, where physical and emotional pain intertwine and leave the person more distraught than before. Sexual trauma, such as sexual abuse, sexual violence, and sexual assault can all contribute to hypersexuality trauma."

"So.. it's normal to feel like this?" She nodded and gave me an actual real expression for once. "Yes, completely normal. You have the choice to go to therapy about it or you could take medication."

"Okay.." "well this wraps up our first session, your parents are here." I eyed the door and then her and sighed "thank you.." "of course. You have my number, if you ever need someone to talk to just reach out."

I walked out the door and ran into my moms arms. "How was it?" I hugged her warm body and breathed in her natural scent. "It was... okay.."

"Did you figure out anything yet? About him?" "Well.. we're taking him to court. We spoke to police about it, how was your first therapy session?"

I hugged my dad next and he kissed my head. He always knew how to calm me down. "It was good, I figured out something.."

"What is it?" My dad looked down at me with curiosity.

"Can you talk to my therapist about it? I think she knows what medication I'm supposed to take." My parents gave eachother curious looks and then stepped into a private room with my therapist.

Heathers POV:

"Valentina said you diagnosed her with something and had medication or something-?" She looked up from her desk and shuffled some papers before setting them to the side. "Yes actually, I think your daughter may be responding to the trauma by being hyper sexual."

I looked at my husband confused and he gave me the same look, I'd never heard of that before.

"Sorry, what's that?" "Hypersexualization can also be a valid trauma response, where physical and emotional pain intertwine and leave the person more distraught than before. Sexual trauma, such as sexual abuse, sexual violence, and sexual assault can all contribute to hypersexuality trauma, this means she often has sexual thoughts or feelings because of the situation."

We both sat in silence taking this all in. I had a bit of guilt in my body and a sense of familiarity. But what from...


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