Chapter 3 - Finally, a Love Expert

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"Do you mind if I sit?"

Rick looked up to see Aaron standing on the threshold of the gazebo. He sighed and looked back over the lake, which Aaron took as an invitation to come and sit down on the other end of Rick's bench.

"Did Tobin ask you to check on me?" Rick asked gruffly. It wouldn't be the first time that someone, afraid or unwilling to talk to Rick directly, had used Aaron as a go-between.

"No. Why? Did something happen?" Aaron responded, confused.

"No. Never mind," Rick said and, before Aaron could ask again, changed the topic, "How's Eric doing?"

"Good. Ankle's pretty much healed at this point," Aaron said.

Rick nodded, "That's good."

He let the conversation trail off. Rick was grateful to Aaron and Eric, but small talk was not particularly high on his list of priorities these days.

After a while, Aaron spoke again, "You know I'm here if you ever need anything, right? If something's wrong, you can tell me."

That's the thing about Aaron, Rick thought...nothing seems to faze him. Even in the face of blatant hostility, Aaron never stopped trying to help people. Eventually Rick had come to appreciate that quality.

"Nothing's wrong," Rick stated.

He almost left it at that, but a new thought made him speak again.

Aaron might actually be the only person who can help me.

"This morning I realized something. Something that's been right in front of me, but I didn't think it was possible, not really, so I never even considered it...until now."

It was a cryptic answer, but that was all Rick could summon at the moment.

"This realization," Aaron began cautiously, "what was it about?"

Rick rubbed a hand over his face, gradually resigning himself to what he had to do if he ever wanted an answer, "It's not what, so much as who."

"Okay, who was it about?" Aaron asked patiently, confusion evident on his features.

Rick looked at his companion then back out at the lake again before answering, "Michonne."

Aaron let out a breath of relief, "Rick, whatever it is, you should tell her. Michonne loves you. I'm sure she'll understand."

Startled, Rick looked directly at Aaron again.

"But that's just it," he finally admitted, "I think Michonne might be in love with me."

A slow smile filled Aaron's face.

"What does that mean? Do you know something I don't?" Rick pointed a finger at Aaron in annoyance.

"Hey, hey," Aaron put his hands up in mock defense, still grinning, "I don't know anything for sure, one way or another. If I did, I would tell you, promise!"

"But you have an opinion," it was a statement more than a question.

Aaron shook his head ambivalently, "I think it would make sense. The two of you together, it'd be...natural. You make a good team, to put it mildly."

Rick couldn't help but smile at that last part, "We do."

"You know there's only one way to find out for sure," Aaron was grinning like a kid about to blow out the candles on his birthday cake.

Rick pulled a loose thread from his well-worn jeans, "I have to ask her."

Aaron nodded.

"Then why do you look so dejected?" Aaron asked, becoming worried again.

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