Chapter 4 - I'm Yours

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Previously, on Advice:

"Hey there, sweetheart," Rick greeted his daughter, leaning over and kissing Judith softly on the head.

Rick settled in close beside Michonne, resting one arm behind her on the back of the couch. He smoothed Judith's wispy hair and held her little hand in his.

"She looks so much like Carl did, at that age," Rick said, his voice sounding distant.

"Really?" Michonne asked, intrigued.

She looked at Rick, anticipating a cute story about Carl when he was a baby, but instead felt her breath catch in her throat. All at once, she took in his freshly shaved face, the affection in his blue eyes, the press of his leg against hers, the comfortable way he leaned into her space.

"What?" Rick asked, noticing her odd reaction.

"Nothing," Michonne shook her head, trying to act like nothing had happened.

Rick raised his eyebrow, not buying it.

"What?" he repeated, confused.

Michonne cracked a smile, acting more confident that she felt at that moment, "You smell good, is all."

"It's a nice change, huh?" Rick said wryly.

Michonne laughed, "Yeah, it is."

Rick chuckled and Michonne thought about how good it felt to see him smile. His guarded walls fell down, his eyes crinkled around the edges, and Michonne knew he was genuinely happy.

"Here, can you take her?" Michonne said abruptly, moving to hand Judith over to Rick.

He transferred the baby to his own lap.

"You alright?" Rick questioned, frowning.

"I have to pee," Michonne answered and made a hasty exit from the room.

"Oh. Okay," Rick and Judith exchanged confused looks.


And Now, the Continuation...

Advice – Part 4

The setting sun filled the small room with a low golden glow. Michonne stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

She saw the face of a warrior woman who wasn't afraid of anything, dead or alive, who could slice apart two dozen walkers by herself, who had walked through hell to give her family just one more day with a chance, who knew without a doubt where she belonged.

So what was that about? Michonne thought, frowning at her reflection.

Rick is clean and half naked and smelling nice, and suddenly I lose my cool?

Then her words from that morning came back to her, 'It's always best to be honest. Even if things don't go your way, if you have feelings for someone, it's better to be up front about it and tell them.'

"That's what it is, isn't it?" Michonne asked herself out loud.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, looking down to where her hands gripped the edge of the sink.

I know how I feel about Rick, what he means to me. That's not new. But the thought of actually telling him...

That's what caught her by surprise, the thought of acting on those feelings, of potentially changing things between her and Rick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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