Dont be late - Chapter 1

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don't be late. She messages me once again. The cold crisp bite of the winters air making my eyes glassy, blurring my vision. I can almost hear the crunch of ice cracking off my raw fingers as i type back to her. Jade i won't be late i promise i won't let you down, I'm walking there now. My whole body aches it's like my bones have turned to swords, frozen swords, that stab into my fragile skin with each movement i make. I know i'm practically an icicle right now but i don't care, god every jab of the blade is so worth it knowing i'll be with her forever soon. The start of us. As soon as i arrive i know I'll feel like I'm on fire because every single time my eyes meet her seas of blue my skin tingles and glows. Shes my sun. I-


Oh shit. I need to pay more attention and get out of my head. Unless i'm planning on being a pile of crimson smush in the middle of the road before i even arrive at the underground.

Honk. Honkkkk!

"What the hell are you doing??! stupid kid."  A raspy, low yell hits me in the face. A saggy frown across his wrinkled, tired mug. Why's he so mad it looks like he found his crappy car in the middle of a railroad doesn't matter if he chipped that rusty dull orange some more.

"Sorry" My voice slips out from between my trembling lips in a quiet, chattered, mumble. I move my soft, brown boots quicker across the black tar of the road before i anger anyone else. I wonder if i just ruined his already terrible day, i reckon his names Martin, he looks like the classic moody smart guy who people always look past and forget about. Other than his wife and kids i bet he has two daughters that are unbelievably beautiful compared to him and his balding head of grey, he dwells on how much more they deserve and wishes that he could give them the world. Oops where am i going. Charlott- no i'm meant to be on Derby Avenue not Charlotte Street. Unfortunately, my stupid wondering brain controls my stiffened legs. Focus Melody! don't be late. I turn on my heels, glancing at all the street signs until i see "Derby Avenue". Phew i'm not lost atleast.

Oh great. The dark, heavy clouds above me start to sob covering my soft, light, brown hair in its tears ruining how it was perfectly sitting, styled for her. Now i won't look pretty for her, i speed up as much as i can to try and get out of the rain faster. That's when i see the steps, finally. I've been walking for the past hour my legs hurt. I rush down the concrete stairs, the graffiti covering the walls either side of me in bright crazy colors. I wonder if my parents have noticed i'm gone yet, i can feel my body buzzing from the adrenaline inside me.

"Melody! Hey sweet girl. You made it." Jade's enchanting voice echoes through my head as i lay my eyes on her gorgeous form infront of me. Her silky black hair down by her shoulders, make up done perfectly as always. This is actually happening. We're running away together.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25 ⏰

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