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                                                                        "I'll see you soon, love."


Third POV

Natalia's expectations for today were unlike most of Port Royal's. While most of Port Royal was buzzing with excitement, Natalia remained unimpressed and stone-faced as hers, the Governors, and Miss Swann's carriage rode through the cobbled streets, making it's way to the ceremony. Natalia listened to the clicking of the horses hooves on the ground, watching with a fixed glare as the carriage rode past the "Morana" her ex-ship. 

I suppose a bit of a backstory might be needed, Mm?

Captain Natalia Mae Knight used to be the captain of "The Morena" (meaning "death, plague") her mothers ship. Or, it was, until her mother, Eliza, ran off, (Natalia would later discover that Eliza had been hung by the Royal Navy) leaving Natalia in charge of the ship and crew. She was only eleven. Natalia captained "The Morena" for two years before she was forced into working for the East India Trading Company, alongside her young, beloved Jack Sparrow. When things went south with the company, Natalia and Jack were branded as a pirates. Jack went his own way that she was unaware of, though she did know he'd become an infamous pirate. She was proud. Natalia was sent to Port Royal, to ensure she never went back to her pirate life (to live with same people who had murdered her mother, as a punishment),and never got to board her beautiful "Morena"  again. Curtesy of Mr. Beckett (God, how she hated him.)

Truly, Natalia was glad she hadn't been sentenced to hanging or prostitution, as some were, but it was hard to force herself to be happy when the things that made her happy were so close, yet so far out of reach. As if she was just below the surface of the water, so close she could reach the tips of her fingers out, but she was chained and couldn't fully leave. Her beloved ship, "The Morena", the sea (oh, how she loved the sea), the pirates life, Jack. 

She missed Jack. He'd always kept her safe, and he was always there for her. She longed for the day she could make an escape from Port Royal to find him. They could sail their ships, his beloved Pearl, and her Morena, side by side. They'd travel the seven seas together, just as they'd promised years ago. 

The only pieces she had to remind her of her pirate life was a hair pin her mother had given her (which she couldn't wear, as it was deemed a "pirate item", some jewelry she'd stolen years ago, but couldn't wear because, again, pirate item, a dagger her mother gave her (Natalia always kept under the dreaded dresses she was forced to wear), a sapphire ring Jack had given her. He told her it was a way to keep him, and the ocean with her, always. She never took it off. And lastly, the sword-fighting practices she had with Will. They had to keep it top secret, as it was highly forbidden for her to even glance at a sword, but...she was still a pirate, what did they expect? Will, though he hated pirates, felt bad for Natalia's situation (which only a handful of people in Port Royal knew of), so he was keen to keeping Natalia and his sword fighting a secret. 

I believe that's enough backstory for now, yes? Let's continue with Natalia's present.

Natalia grabbed the Governors hand as he helped her step out of their shared Carriage. Natalia, who was a maid in the Governors house, and a maid wouldn't typically go to these, but Natalia was almost always supposed to have a watchful eye on her, thus bringing her to all kinds of high-status gatherings and such.

She stood beside the Governor for hours, listening as he made small talk with people she couldn't bother to remember the names of, and watching as people bounced around the ceremony. She still struggled to figure out how all of these people were so happy about someone else's success. Not that the now Commodore was a bad man, it's just that...he didn't know half of these people, they shouldn't be squealing in delight for him, should they? She wasn't sure. Maybe it was just her general dislike for the Army, maybe it was her dislike of Port Royal and most of its inhabitants, or maybe it was her-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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