For A Lifetime

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Everything was so beautiful I Still Remember everything like it was just yesterday. What were our wedding colors you asked ? RED !! I know Strange color to choose for a wedding huh.. I know right but red was the only color I could think of being since ever since Terrance and I have been together that's the color he kept making me be . I was red when he would beat me on a daily , I was red when he made me smile with his lavish gifts houses, cars and jewelry and the best of clothes. RED the color that leaked from my body as I begged him to stop beating me bloody and sometimes maybe even unconscious so red it was....

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Yea today is the big day. Remember when I said I was gone have her wrapped around my finger well Ya boy did it. Arianna been stuck to me like a fly on a wall since the day I laid eyes on her. Yea I know I'm a cocky muthafucka right ? Well I earned it making 7 million dollars per year I have every fucking right to be the bastard that I am ! Yea I talk a lot of shit but did I ever lie to you.. Today is my wedding day Arianna is about to be my wife. The Crazy part is I love the girl a lot man. She's beautiful , She's a strong black woman and most of all my favorite part the bitch can take an ass whooping. Aha I mean yea she cries afterwards and she pleads but what never changes with her is her love for me. I met so many women who want to leave me alone all over again but nope not Arianna she truly sees me and I mean the real me the me who was left to walk to the store and never saw my mom again. AND GUESS WHAT I hate it ! I hate that Arianna makes me love her I hate that she chooses to love me and all my flaws why does she see through me like an open book.. Now here I stand at the alter waiting on The girl who has taken my hurt and has confused me in so many ways. Our lifetime starts today

*Music Plays*

It's seems like forever
That I have waited for you
In a world of disappointment
One thing is true
God has blessed me
And he's blessed you too
In a world of lonely people
I've found you

Take my hand
And hold me close
And don't let me go
You for me
And me for you
Together we'll make one

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