chapter four ❄️

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5 years ago
30th of October - devil's night


Tonight's the night, devil's night. We came back from college a week ago to plan everything for tonight.

I couldn't believe we made it this far, this could be our last devil's night so we have to make it count.

"Alright listen up fuckers, I'm only gonna say this once" I say as I empty out the trunk of micheal's car. We always use the boys' cars, because I will never be caught with anything that has to do with what this shit is.

"OH here she fucking goes again with her bullshit like she's our fucking mom" says will clearly frustrated with me.

"She's not wrong and you know that, and having someone like you with us, she has to warn us every time" micheal says clearly on my side.

One thing about me and micheal is that we don't have alot in common but when it comes to managing this shit, his thought and mine are the exact same it scares us.

"Wear your fucking masks and don't ever and I mean ever fucking take them off. We were almost caught twice now" I say pointing at each of them.

"Can you fucking hurry up and give us our shit?" Damon says through the cigarette in his mouth blowing smoke in my face.

I give each of them their masks, putting on mine. My mask was black with white flames and slashes across it like scars.

I close micheal's trunk grabbing the duffel bag with all of the stuff needed for the pranks.

I look at the four of them walking in front of me, so excited about tonight, thinking about how much I missed them and missed all of this. Missed controlling and making this town what it is.

Then my gaze fixated on damon. Noticing how his black hair is now longer than when we last saw him. How he looked like himself for the first time in months.

Us being in different colleges was taking a toll on us, you could call it attachment issues or whatever the fuck but we couldn't care less. We were each other's everything so we didn't care.

This night is going to be perfect, even if erika fane is with us, I won't let her ruin this for us. Me and erika (or rika as everyone calls her) never interacted much. But when micheal told us she's going to do this with us I couldn't help but be angry at him for allowing anyone even her to be with us tonight. But I won't even allow myself to ruin tonight.

We go into the warehouse and split up, going into the room on my left I start drenching it in gasoline. Hearing footsteps behind me I turn around and see erika walking in.

"Can I ask you a question?" She says looking down at her hands that are covered with micheal's zip up.

"Yeah whatever do it" I say looking back at the task in hand.

"I saw the way damon was looking at you, is there anything going on between you two? I promise I won't tell I'm just curious"

I freeze hearing her say these words. What does she mean by that she saw how he was looking at me? I'm sure she was imagining shit because damon would never look at me like what she's implying ever.

"NO, there's nothing going on. What the fuck are you on about fane?" I say getting defensive trying to keep my tone flat but failing.

"I didn't mean to offend you I was just wondering but it's clear there's something going on, all I'll say is just be careful. I know we aren't friends or anything but I thought I should warn you" she said looking at me.

"First of all fane nothing is going on, and second you'll never know him like I do. If you think because you're here just for tonight that means you're one of us, then you really must be a dumb fucking blonde because you'll never be a part of this and you know that, that's exactly you didn't tell micheal you were hiding in his car because you already know you don't fit or am I wrong?" I say looking at into her eyes.

She looks at both of my eyes back and forth before storming out the room. Satisfied with her reaction I go back to drenching the room in gasoline.

"That fucking took so long for no fucking reason" will whines

"But we're done, now is the best part" micheal says getting out his matches.

He hands each of us one but me and damon use ours to light our cigarettes, taking a puff we all throw put matches and cigarettes including erika and watch the warehouse go up in flames.

We all run outside to watch and record the house on fire. Kai picks up his burner phone to make an anonymous call to the police.

"We need to go now they're coming" kai says ending the call. We all run to micheal's car. Kai sits in the driver's seat driving like he was in the fast and furious movies blocking off the road so the police can't get to the warehouse fast enough.

{Time skip}

"I don't want to stay in the fucking car damon I'll be fine I'm not a fucking child" I say yelling at damon.

It was now time for out last prank before the party, mine and Erika's prank. Apparently we were targeting the same people tonight. Miles Anderson and his girlfriend.

"You will stay in the fucking car, both of you because if you two get touched they're dead and it'll be your fault we end up in fucking prison so stay" He says looking at me hard. I held eye contact for a couple of seconds before I gave up and pulled out my phone waiting for them to finish.

My story with Miles was the fact that he couldn't keep his hands to himself. Not only does he have a fucking girlfriend but apparently his girlfriend is just as bad as he is. He tried forcing himself on me during one of the parties we had in the summer. I never wanted to tell the guys about it because they'll kill him then me for not telling him but I caved in and here we are.

Looking up from my phone a couple of minutes later i see the guys strutting as if they won something looking as smug and gross as ever.

Will tossed something in my lap saying it's my souvenir. Taking a close look at it I find it's

"There's no fucking way you pulled his teeth out and her hair what the fuck eww" I say. Damon takes the tooth and hair from me putting them in a zip lock bag.

{Time skip}

The guys dropped me off at my house to get my car for the party. Sprinting into my house I unlock the garage finding my precious camaro zl1 2022 model. I look at her so proud like she's my kid cause she is.

Getting to the party, the music was deafining, you couldn't even hear you're own thoughts. Exactly how I like it.

Getting inside I see damon, will, kai and micheal watching erika on the cance floor completely mesmerized.

"The fuck are you bitches looking at?" I say looking at them in disgust.

"Didn't know micheal's little toy had it in her" will says smirking. Micheal elbows him hard in the ribs.

"I'm gonna go get a drink cause I have to deal with all of you all night" I get up going to the kitchen.

"What did we say about getting a drink by yourself?" I hear his low voice in my ear, feeling his hot breath mixed with alcohol on my neck.

"I'll be fine now fuck off torrance." I saw breathless trying to gather my shit.

I grab my drink but he snatches it from my hand. "Can you please fuck off and give me my fucking drink back?" Instead of giving me my drink back he gives me his.

"Take mine, and don't run off by yourself little angel" he whispers in my ear. "Because wherever you go, I will find you".

His words remind me of the times we spent together. His hot breath in my ear and on my neck. His lips everywhere on my body not leaving one inch untouched and how he'd......

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