Entangled fates

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The next morning, Han Jisung woke up to the blaring sound of his phone vibrating incessantly on the bedside table. Groggy and disoriented, he rubbed his eyes and reached for the device, his heart sinking when he saw the flood of messages.

**20 New Messages: Unknown Number**

His stomach churned as he opened the first message, already knowing who it would be. The girl from the one-night stand had not only found his number but seemed determined to keep in touch.

**Hey, Jisung! Last night was amazing. Can't stop thinking about you.**

**When can we meet again?**

**Good morning, handsome! Have a great day!**

**Why aren't you responding?**

The messages ranged from sweet and flirtatious to increasingly desperate and needy. Jisung's head pounded with a dull ache as he scrolled through them, each one amplifying his frustration. What did she want from him? He had made it clear that it was just a one-time thing, hadn't he?

Feeling suffocated by her persistence, he tossed the phone onto the bed and buried his face in his hands. He couldn't afford distractions, especially not now. His mind was already a tangled mess of emotions over Y/N, and the last thing he needed was this complication.

Determined to deal with it head-on, he picked up his phone and typed a curt response:

**Listen, last night was a mistake. I don't want any further contact. Please respect that.**

He hit send, hoping that would be the end of it. But deep down, he knew it might not be that simple. People like her, who pushed boundaries and ignored subtle rejections, often didn't take no for an answer.

Sighing, Jisung got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to wash away the remnants of sleep. As he splashed cold water on his face, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror—tired, stressed, and conflicted. The person staring back at him was a far cry from the confident playboy he used to be.

As he dressed for school, his mind wandered back to Y/N. Her confession, Keeho's confrontation, and the overwhelming urge to protect her all jumbled together, creating a storm of emotions he struggled to control. He knew he had to face her today, to find a way to navigate their complicated relationship without putting her in harm's way.

But for now, he had to get through the day, keep his head down, and hope that the girl from last night would take the hint and leave him alone. With one last glance at his phone, he grabbed his bag and headed out the door, steeling himself for whatever lay ahead.

As Han Jisung walked to school, his phone buzzed again. Annoyed, he glanced at the screen and saw another message from the girl from the night before.

**Mina: I'm not giving up that easily, Jisung. Last night was special. Who's this Y/N anyway?**

Jisung's irritation flared into anger. Not only was Mina refusing to leave him alone, but now she was prying into his personal life. How did she even know about Y/N? He stopped walking, taking a deep breath to calm himself before responding.

**Jisung: Mina, last night was a mistake. I'm not interested in seeing you again. And Y/N is none of your business. How do you even know about her? Please stop contacting me.**

He sent the message and continued walking, hoping this would finally put an end to it. However, a part of him doubted it. Mina seemed determined, and he couldn't afford any distractions right now.

When he arrived at school, he spotted Y/N talking with her friend Minjae and her brother Sunwoo. A wave of longing washed over him, but he pushed it aside, knowing he had to stay focused.

As he approached his locker, Felix appeared beside him, his expression concerned. "Hey, Jisung, you okay? You look like you didn't get much sleep."

Jisung forced a smile. "Just had a rough night. I'm fine."

Felix frowned but didn't press further. "Alright, but if you need anything, just let me know."

Jisung nodded, appreciating Felix's concern. As he turned to head to his class, his phone buzzed again. He glanced at it, his heart sinking as he read Mina's latest message.

**Mina: You can't just ignore me, Jisung. I'll find out who Y/N is. We're not done yet.**

A surge of panic gripped him. He needed to keep Mina away from Y/N. The last thing he wanted was for her to get caught up in his complicated and dangerous life.

Determined to put an end to this, he quickly sent another message.

**Jisung: Mina, stop this. If you don't, I'll have to take action. This isn't a game. Leave Y/N out of it.**

Hoping that his firm tone would finally get through to her, he tucked his phone away and made his way to class. But as he entered the room and saw Y/N sitting there, he couldn't shake the feeling that things were spiraling out of control.

Jisung sat down, trying to focus on the lesson, but his mind kept drifting to Y/N and the growing threat Mina posed. He knew he had to protect Y/N, no matter what. But as the minutes ticked by, he couldn't help but wonder if he was already too late.

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