Are those kids? [Chapter 1]

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It was a bright early morning on a Sunday, everyone and thing was becoming lively. Since not many were normally active this early Shigaraki sent Twice and Toga out to get some groceries since the bar needed to be restocked along with the fridge, the two had dressed up in their disguises and were actually heading back.

Toga was humming as she walked with a bag of groceries in her hand, Twice was beside her with a cigarette in his mouth as they were on guard secretly in case a hero spots them.

While beginning to pass an alleyway Toga stopped and looked down it as she thought she heard something, Twice quickly noticed the younger girl stop walking to look down the dark alley. "Toga is something wrong?"

"I don't know Jin....I thought I had seen something" Toga replied as she didn't look towards the other, Jin walked back and looked at the dark alley. "....Like what?" "I don't know....I'll check it out though"

Toga then started to walk into the alleyway, the darkness of the shadows wrapped around her as if she was a piece of wood and it was a blazing fire. Jin knew Shigaraki would scold them both but this now intrigued him, he followed after the blonde girl while looking around as she did looking for what Toga had saw.

The alleyway was a bit long and full of hiding spots but it had a dead end, so it took the two a while but right when Toga began thinking it was just her imagination Jin had crouched down catching her attention as he softly smiled at something before speaking as he extended his empty hand out.

"Hey there little ones, what are you two doing here all torn and worn down clothes..?" Jin spoke as he tried not to let his quirk activate as he didn't want to scare two young children, Toga immediately went over and her eyes widened in shock as she took in the details of the kids.

One looked a bit older than the other and it was noticeable they were siblings as they looked alike, the kids were dirty and looked thin but something else she noticed made her feel horrible for the two kids as they had some old poorly wrapped bandages on them along with slight blood stains on them.

The older child was in front of the younger one, the shadows seemed to cling to the poor child. "....w-we ran away for home....i-i won't let you t-take us back there!"

Jin looked up at Toga and they both quickly understood all they needed to know, Toga kneeled down and spoke in a soft gentle tone. "We aren't going to do that buddy, we can take you home with us where our family can take care of you. Give you some clothes and a bath and-" The girl behind her brother asked something as she slightly peeked over her brother's shoulder. "....a bath?"

"Yes a bath little one, and of course food as well. Does that sound good to you both?" Jin asked as her looked at the two, once they nodded Toga held out her arms towards the kids while still holding the bag of groceries.

The boy hesitated before walking to Toga while holding his sisters hands, the features of the boy become more noticeable which both Toga and Jin were a bit surprised at but that made them understand more.

The little boy looked around five years old with mixed colored skin, dark black hair that had fallen a bit in frontof his fully pitch black eyes that only had small white circles to show where he was looking.

The girl looked similar to her brother with the mixed skin color and hair though itlightened at the ends that fell down to her mid back, she had sunset orange eyes that had slits while she had two little horns on her head and a demon like tail that was behind her legs.

Toga couldn't resist once she was able to fully look at the kids as her heart practically melted, she swiftly scooped both kids up as she slightly made a noise out of happiness. Both kids were shocked well at least Jin thought so since it was hard to tell with the boy, but he smiled and stood up before helping Toga up while she held the two kids.

[Apologies but I'm gonna to do a small time skip, just know the kids slightly cried from what Toga did and now their by the base]

Toga had ended up giving Jin the little girl so she wouldn't drop either of the kids, as they were walking towards the base a sense of dread hit both Toga and Jin. "......Twice what time did shiggy say to be back..?"

Jin shifted the girl in his arms so she was supported by one hand, he took out his phone to look at the time and all the blood in his face left. ".....It's 9:30 Toga"

Toga immediately understood how much trouble they'd be in since Shigaraki told them to be back at 8:30 since they left at 7, both could already hear the long lecture they'd get for being late and for bringing kids back.

"....well somethings for sure is that Dad(All for one) loves us too much to let Shiggy turn us into dust, on the other hand Shiggy will scold us like there's no tomorrow then Mama(Kurogiri) will give us a long lecture" Jin sighed once he stopped speaking, Toga took a deep breath before praying to Inko before opening the door and walking in.

Immediately she was met with Shigaraki throwing one of his blue hands her way to which immediately she ducked while holding the little boy closely, Jin poked his head in while sweat dripped down his face.

"Where the fuck have you two been?! I gave you both clear instructions!" The blue crusty man yelled at the two as the burnt buffalo sat on the couch looking like he was praying he wouldn't be the next to get yelled at, Compress was sitting at the bar near Shigaraki and Spinner while Mange was on the ground leaning against the sofa.

"Hey watch it crusty! I'm carrying a little one here!" Toga yelled at Shigaraki not thinking how that probably sounded to the group, immediately everyone looked toward her. Dabi looked like he was about to cremate someone while Mange looked in complete shock, Shigaraki had the same look as Dabi though with the intent to dust someone while spinner was about to eat some noodles but froze so the noodles dropped.

"Who the fuck was it. I'll make sure to burn even their ashes so it will be like they never existed." The burnt man threatened as Shigaraki, Compress along with spinner and Mange nodded in agreement.

"What- oh no-! I didn't mean it that way though I'm touched. But no I meant I'm literally holding a child- so is Jin" Toga moved so the boy could be seen, Jin moved more so the others could see the little girl which immediately the room fell silent.

"...Where did they come from? And what happened to them?" Shigaraki demanded as he looked dead at the two holding the kids, Dabi noticed something both Twice and Toga didn't about the kids so he stood up with a difficult to read expression plasted across his face.

Dabi suddenly walked over to Toga and Twice and he grabbed a handcuffed metal chain linked anklet thing that was attached to the the boy's ankle, he then looked back at  Shigaraki. "I might have an idea though it's not a good one....spinner go and get something so we can get these things off these kids."

Toga and Jin immediately looked a bit worried as they understood the kid's situation to only a degree but they didn't think it was that bad, Spinner nodded and set his fork down before running off to get some tools while Shigaraki was silent for a moment before hitting the bar top a few times to get Kurogiri's attention to show up.

"Hey Kurogiri! Bring out um...two small glasses of juice and some of my stashed snacks please!" Shigaraki called out after he hit the bar top, he did a certain motion to Dabi which the man understood.

"He'll speak with you two later, for now bring two little ones in and put them on the couch so Spinner can deal with those....shackles?...damn what kind of monster puts shackles on little kids, hell my old man isn't even that bad..." Dabi said to Toga and Twice before grabbing Twice's outfit that he put by the door for the man, he hands it to him. "Here"

Ending it here, next one will tell about what happens to the kids and the decision on what to do.
Word count: 1454

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