Bathroom flashback [chapter 2]

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Toga and Jin had put the kids on the couch and Toga stayed In the room as Jin left to put on his suit that Dabi handed him, the little boy was glaring? at everyone except Toga while the girl looked at Dabi with awe.

Dabi had decided to give the kids space since of how he looked and how ruffed up they looked, along with the new setting. He was leaning against the wall while he wondered about what the kids had went through, he knew it was probably worst than what he went through though he hoped he was wrong about that.

Shigaraki was still at the bar now scratching his neck causing more red marks, a purple smoke guy walked in from a room behind the bar area with a tray with two glasses of apple juice with some chocolate chip cookies that had been baked with M&Ms mixed into them in his smoky hands.

Kurogiri walked towards the kids and he placed the tray on the coffee table, he then slightly waved at the kids who waved back before he walked back to the bar to talk with Shigaraki.

Spinner walked in with a few tools and he went to where the kids where as Twice walked back in as well, Spinner knelt down by the couch and spoke in a calm voice as he didn't want to make the kids any more scared or nervous as they most likely were. "Alright I'm gonna need you to be as still as you can while I try and get these off you okay? Can you do that?"

The boy looked at Spinner for a moment then moved so he was in front of the green man as he would rather get tested on than his sister, Dabi noticed the boy's actions and was remind of how he'd protect his younger siblings from their father and although he hated remembering that stuff it made him realize how much he truly missed his siblings.

Blood started to drip down Dabi's face from the burns under his eyes, he noticed so he immediately stormed off to the bathroom unaware of a curious child following him.

Dabi put his head over the sink so the blood wouldn't get on the ground, he sighed as he felt like he was showing some kind of weakness which made a memory play in his head.

The memory was of him when he was younger with no burns anywhere really on his skin and when his hair was only just beginning to turn white, he was looking up at his father who he wanted to make proud tell him something. "Touya remember this boy, men don't cry as it shows that their weak and it makes others think your below them. So never cry got it."

Then the memory faded and another played in his head where he was older than the last memory, back when he was secretly training himself but kept getting burned from it. He was walking down the hall with most of his hair now white except for a little bit of it, he was beginning to walk by shoto his youngest brothers room when he heard a faint sniffle.

He walked into the room to see a young boy around four years old sitting on a bed with his knees to his chest, Touya walked over and sat on the edge of the bed when he noticed a red mark on the half red and white haired boy's face indicating he was slapped.

Touya sighed out of annoyance as he never really minded training as he saw it as a way to make his father proud though that was pushed onto him, he did however know that Shoto didn't like their father's way of training as it was harsh and he was still young.

Touya with a slightly firm hold on Shoto's arm pulled the boy towards him and imbraced him in a hug, he then heard the younger boy speak in a tone that sounded as if the boy wanted to cry. "...Father said were not to cry"

Touya's eyes narrowed for a moment as he realized his brother was told the same thing he was but he could tell his brother wasn't able to handle not being able to cry at the age he was, he sighs and held him closer before speaking. "That is because Father is incapable of feeling human emotions, you are four. Cry if you feel like it." And with that as the younger boy started to cry the memory faded away and Dabi was brought back to the present, he tightened his fist and clenched his teeth.

"...A-are you okay mister..?" A sweet young voice said startling Dabi to where he jumped and looked over to see the little girl with her tail behind her legs, he wiped the blood from his face then ran his hand under some water before drying it then he knelt down.

"Yeah I'm alright kiddo...just taking care of something. Why did you follow me? Your brother will worry when he sees your not there..." Dabi said as the girl walked into the bathroom while the shackle dragged behind her, she pointed at Dabi's facial burns.

"You don't seem okay....your hurt all over...and you were bleeding...and brother saw me follow you but he had to stay still for the green guy" The girl spoke while her tail slightly swayed behind her, Dabi could tell this girl was like his sister and Izuku. Kind.

Dabi sighed a bit before he moved his hand and extended towards the little girl which in turn she flinched, despite Dabi noticing it he still continued and gently placed his hand on her head being careful not to be poked by her horns or to touch them. "I'm okay little one you don't need to worry about me, how about we bring you back to the other's so you can get that shackle off"

The little girl nodded a bit as Dabi lifted his hand off her head and he slightly held his hands out to which she was hesitant about before moving forward and letting Dabi pick her up, Dabi carefully held her then began to walk and he soon walked back to where the other's were.

Shigaraki glanced towards the scared man as he walked in from the hallway holding the little girl, he wasn't sure what the man was thinking but the league was family even if it didn't seem like it to others. But they were and somethings they learned to live with while being with each other like the way Twice/Jin talks, or how all of them all silently agreed? to protect Toga from the heroes since they had already failed them all but Toga was still a kid so they didn't want the 'system' to fail her once more.

And that they didn't ever ask Dabi personal questions more than once, nor did they ever ask about each other's pasts as they all agreed that if something brings up one of their pasts they'd tell about it on their own.

After all they were all broken, but they aren't alone.

Author note: The flash backs for Dabi is a reference to a common short I see used with them called "Father said were not to cry" and I loved it so I added it, also the last two paragraphs were inspired by a reaction fanfic by @justcallmejoan_ it was titled [Bnha react!] So shout out to them (?) That's all for now!

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