The text message [surprise at end]

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Dabi walked over and set the girl down on the couch by the girl's brother, he then stepped back to allow Spinner to take the shackle off the girl.

Dabi looked away and went over and leaned against the wall while closing his eyes for a moment, he listened to Toga and Twice talk to the kids as Spinner worked on talking off the girl's shackle. Shigaraki slightly moving on the bar stool he was at since the stool gave off a slight creak to it when moved, Kurogiri moving around behind the bar and Magne adjusting how she sat in the beanbag as Compress was speaking to Kurogiri.

After a minute Dabi felt his phone vibrate in his pocket so he took it out, only glancing for a bit a his phone he shut it off and put it back in his pocket then went to his room and grabbed his jacket. He put it on quickly then stormed down the hall back to the main area, he went to the door and left without saying a thing leaving many confused.

Dabi ran quickly as he had a feeling he knew where he had to go, smoke was slowly starting to come off him as that burning feeling he was quite familiar with was all he felt all throughout his body.

Suddenly Dabi froze, his eyes widening as he saw the gun. He watched the person who texted him as they were crying and trembling, he watched the person's lips move as they spoke. No. Screamed that word. "TOUYA!"

Suddenly Dabi's body moved as fast as it could, his quirk activated completely as blue flames left his body completely burning alive the attacker with the gun. His flames continued burning as his eyes held rage while the sounds on someone screaming in agony as the flames burn them to ash, the smell of smoke and the dead spread through the air.

The flames soon stopped only leaving a small bit of ash on the ground, Dabi's burns on his body had grew a bit and only someone who sees him everyday that looks at him closely would be able to tell. Dabi was breathing heavily as he was still trying to catch his breath after his run, he turned to look at the person he saved.

" the hell did you even get in that situation? What would I have done if I hadn't came sooner?! Why didn't you explain more then just saying help?!.....Natuso..." Dabi had started off with an annoyed tone that shifted to anger with worry, he looked down as he clenched his fists.

Natuso then quickly hugged his brother as tears started to run down his face, he was thankful that Dabi remembered their code words for stuff as he was only able to send him two of the code words. Plop links, yarp ork. [(Plop links= help me) (yarp ork= there's a crazy guy)]





-Cliff hanger!-

Video name: Just call my name|Meme | {Bnha/Mha au} ft. Todoroki's - Natsuo and Touya

Creator: Manga Kiddo, this(video) was posted 1 year ago and it has 12k views

[This was the inspiration! This creator is amazing I completely suggest checking out their content if you like Dabi, Mha and reaction videos! Ik it seems random but chill I have a plan...kinda-]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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