36. Traffic Jam 4/4

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A large white wolf jumped in between you and Leona, startling both of you, but you were annoyed- Jack was already high and mighty with morals, but you were in the middle of a screaming session with his house warden.

"Jack! Where did you get a transformation potion from?!" Leona yelled, glaring at Jack, who now had transformed back into his normal form, this made your mind wind back to hellhounds from Hell, one of the few species of Hell that are below sinners. You narrowed your eyes and put a hand on your hip.

Jack wasn't facing you, his sharp and slightly resentful attention and gaze were solely focused on the second prince, "My unique magic is that I can transform into a wolf!" Oh... Jack Howl- yeah you get it now, you frowned and blinked in deadpan.

"Oh, so you can use your magic to transform into a literal magic? Good thing it's unique..." Leona insulted, his anger from your wavering away in the presence of his underclassman, a haughty smirk marking his face as also focused on the white haired male in front of of him.


Maybe if you couldn't yell some sense into Leona, maybe Jack could-

"I.. I wanted to join this school because of you!"

Never mind.

You facepalmed, and could feel Yuu do the same, like y'all had that twin telepathy.

"Where did the Leona I admire go?! Did you really let yourself stoop down to this pathetic level?!"

You bit your lip, you knew Jack meant well but Leona isn't the type to start doing things because someone's having a pity party in front of him. You have to make him care.

"Yeesh, don't push your dreams onto me like it's my deal," Leona rolled his emerald eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as Jack continued to glare angrily at him.

"Hmph, if you ask me, men like you are far more suited for that collar than a crown," a certain third year chirped, holding his chin as his expression sullied at the situation, everyone turned to him, including you- 'Lilia? That weird self-infantilizing guy?' You recalled meeting him from the ceiling in the cafeteria.

"Hearing one of the royals of Savannah whine like this is appalling" Lilia continued, if Lilia could read the room he certainly wasn't reading it now. The tension in the air thickened once more, Leona obviously didn't take too kindly to Lilia's words, making the lion ball his fists and shoot a bright green glare at the shorter male.

"Ha?" Leona growled, but Lilia kept on dissing the tan lion, sparking a respectful fire for the Diasomnia third year.

"You love to complain about how you'll just never ever be king, but you live with just that as your motivation, being king, but since you'll never be king, you just lounge about. And so whenever something doesn't go your way, you always find a way to reflect the blame to one of your 'servants'," Lilia spat, despite having a light and carefree smile smirk on his face, his pink eyes betrayed it all with a glinted that held a disappointed highlight.

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