The Reveal

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Slowly, a man in a black cloak and white mask came towards the voice from a misty darkness.

Vessel admired the plants as he walked by, touching them idly as he watched the dew drip from many leaves. He looked up now towards the woman shrouded in darkness, just catching a glimpse of her pale jawline.

"I am here, Madam Sleep." Vessel said as he came to a stop a few steps away.

-I now require another follower, one that shall be a companion for my four most devoted followers.-

Vessel was surprised at Sleep's words. A companion? Vessel must not have hidden the surprise in his face well, for he heard that irking giggle of Sleep's maidens. Vessel bore his sharp teeth slightly as the maiden that was hiding slightly from him around Sleep's form.

Sleep chuckled softly as she pat the maiden's head and shooed her away.

-Do you mean to tell me that you do not feel the jaws of loneliness gnawing at your souls?-

Vessel knew that he could not hide things from the God. Sleep knew everything and could always pin point his feelings. Vessel relaxed and sighed softly as he looked anywhere, but towards Sleep.

"I can not lie to you, Madam Sleep. I do feel the slightest twinge that someone is missing in our small group." Vessel shuffled his feet a bit as he admitted his feelings.

-Would you like to see her? She shall physically show herself soon, but for now a glimpse.-

Vessel perked up and hurriedly followed Sleep as she moved to a different area of the garden. The two came upon a small lake nestled in the middle of the garden.

-Look upon her, your Madeline.-

Sleep waved her left hand over the lake that now turned in to a window to a young woman's room through a mirror in her vanity. Vessel leaned over the bank of the lake to get a closer look. The woman, Madeline, was beautiful.

-I see you approve of my choice?-

Vessel leaned back on the balls of his feet as he stayed kneeling on the ground. He looked at Sleep, unsure of how this will all come together.

"How do we get her to come with us?" Vessel asked softly.

Sleep waved her right hand over the lake now, the mirror disappearing. Vessel was scared that he had angered her, yet she only placed a gentle hand under his chin, making him look up at her gold masked face. Black lips turned up in a smile.

-Do not fret. She will come to you easily. I have been visiting her time and again. She does not know now, but she will feel the pull when she finally sees you. As will you and the others.-

Vessel felt a slight weight lift from his shoulders at her words. He knew to never doubt Sleep. She was a merciful God and knew Vessel was not one to force someone to do things they did not want.

Vessel saw that the garden and Sleep was starting to fade, it was time to wake.

-Now go, I will see you again when it is time for the Claim.-


Vessel woke with a slight start. Usually after a visit from Sleep you are slightly disoriented, but it didn't help that a pair of blue eyes bore in to him to close for comfort after waking.

Vessel startled again as he placed a hand on III's face and pushed him away.

"Were you visited by Sleep?! What did she tell you?" III asked excitedly, yet muffled by Vessel's hand.

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