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IT WAS NOW THREE IN THE MORNING and Kayli hadn't been to sleep yet. She was waiting on her boyfriend Ezra to come home.

She didn't understand how somebody with no job or income could be out all night. In her mind, she didn't know what to think but she knew the only thing opened at this time of night was legs and bad decisions.

She usually didn't care or worry herself with these kind of things but she felt disrespected in a sense. He probably was out with some other bitch doing god knows what, she thought to herself.

It was something in her heart telling her that Ezra was involved with another woman. He had been staying out all times of night, she even caught him texting another woman. That should've been a red flag for her but like always she let it slide to avoid an argument.

Sitting up in the king size bed, she heard the door unlocking from downstairs. She tried her best to compose the emotions she was feeling but she couldn't because she was beyond furious.

She could hear him talking but couldn't make out what he was saying and who he was talking to. Hearing the door close, and footsteps coming up the stairs, she couldn't even compose her anger anymore.

"Where you been at?" Kayli asked as Ezra opened the door to their shared bedroom. Attitude evident in her voice.

"Why you questioning me?" He shot back, taking off his belongings.

"What you just say? Why am I questioning you? You're the one coming in the house at three in the fucking morning!" She said growing even more irritated.

"I already told you before Kay, don't question me and I won't question you." He said with his back turned away from her.

Nodding her head, she got up from the bed and grabbed her Cargo Tote Bag. She knew she needed to leave before she caught herself a case. She didn't tolerate disrespect from no man, especially a man she was taking care of.

Ezra could see her out the corner of his eye, huffing, he stopped her in her tracks before saying, "Where you going?"

"Why you questioning me?" She mocked. Before trying to go around him.

Like a brick wall, Ezra didn't move. He was trying to compose the anger that was building up. He didn't have time for his girlfriend's childish behavior.

"Man, I don't got time for your childish ass bullshit!" He shouted now letting his emotions boil over.

"Honestly, Ezra, I don't give a fuck! The only childish person here right now is you." Kayli shouted back as she jabbed her finger into his chest.

"Touch me again, Kay!" He warned.

"Or what? You know what Fuck you Ezra! You don't even deserve me!" She yelled as she took another step.

Feeling a stinging sensation going across her face, she held her cheek for a moment before looking at Ezra. Did this nigga just smack me? She thought to herself.

Kayli took her right hand and punched him in his nose. She wasn't the type to let a man beat on her but she couldn't believe they were fighting right now. It was one thing to deal with verbal abuse but physical?

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