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As Christmas approached, Kayli and Trevon found themselves in the middle of the holiday season, both realizing how quickly time was flying. With only a couple of months left before their baby girl Saylor arrived, everything felt more urgent, more meaningful. They were beginning to settle into a rhythm—working on their relationship, planning for the baby, and adjusting to their new reality.

One evening, as they sat in their living room, the Christmas tree twinkling in the corner, Kayli leaned into Trevon's side, feeling the warmth of the moment. She loved December—the lights, the decorations, the sense of togetherness. But this year was different. This year was about starting new traditions, about preparing for the future as a family.

"You know," Kayli said, breaking the comfortable silence, "Christmas is coming up fast, and we haven't really decided what we're gonna do yet."

Trevon nodded, his arm draped around her shoulders. "Yeah, I been thinkin' 'bout that too," he said. "You wanna do somethin' just us, or maybe see my moms and pops?"

Kayli thought about it for a moment. She loved the idea of a quiet Christmas with just the two of them, but at the same time, it felt like this year was about more than just the two of them. This was the beginning of their family, and with Saylor on the way, it felt right to celebrate that with the people who had supported them through everything.

"I was thinking," she began slowly, glancing up at Trevon, "maybe we could have a family dinner. Something special, you know? We could invite your parents, a couple of close friends, just make it feel like a real family holiday."

Trevon raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the idea. "A family dinner, huh? That could be dope," he said, his mind already running through the possibilities. "We ain't done somethin' like that in a minute. My moms would love it."

Kayli smiled, feeling excited by the thought of it. "Yeah, I think it would be nice. Something intimate, but with the people who've been there for us. Your mom, your dad, maybe Terry and Skylar, and Miracle. Just a small group."

Trevon nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'm feelin' that. And you know, I'm all about some good food. We could cook up somethin' real nice—do it right."

Kayli laughed softly, picturing the scene in her mind. "Exactly. I'll handle the sides and desserts, and you can take care of the main course. You already know your mom's gonna want to help out, too."

Trevon grinned, shaking his head. "You right 'bout that. She always tryin' to take over the kitchen. But yeah, I'm down. Let's do it."

As they continued to plan, the excitement between them grew. They talked about what dishes they'd make—Kayli suggesting a baked macaroni and cheese, Trevon insisting on frying some chicken and ribs. They even debated what kind of dessert to have, with Kayli leaning toward sweet potato pie and Trevon vouching for peach cobbler.

"Okay, okay," Trevon said, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "We gon' do both, then. I'm not tryin' to argue 'bout food right before Christmas."

Kayli laughed, shaking her head. "Fine, we'll do both. But you better save some room for dessert."

As the conversation shifted, they began talking about how different next Christmas would be with Saylor there. Trevon's face softened as they discussed decorating the tree with her, watching her open presents, and building new traditions as a family.

"You know," Trevon said after a moment, his voice thoughtful, "I think this Christmas gonna be real special. It's like... the start of somethin' new for us. We gettin' ready for Saylor, and it feels like we finally got our heads in the right place."

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