Chapter 1

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 It's been a few weeks since you broke up with jeff. you've been happy. you've finally been enjoying your life without worrying about jeff. you've been hanging out with your friends and talking to other guys. little to your knowledge, jeff still hasnt gotten over you yet. in fact, he follows you where ever you go. he still has the key to your apartment. he breaks in and watches you sleep almost every night. when you're not home, he comes in your house and looks through your things, he makes sure to put everything back where they belong, so you don't notice anything. but you always feel like you're being watched. maybe it's your intuition telling you that there is someone watching you. but just weren't sure, so you brushed it off.

You were bored on a Saturday afternoon, so you were on the couch watching the TV, more specifically, the news. As you were watching, a new story was broadcasted.

"Breaking news: deranged serial killer loose in the local area, authorities say that they're doing everything they can to catch the killer."

You instantly recognized that face. it was jeff. except, he looked so weird, he didnt have any eyelids. it looked like he cut his face into looking like he was always smiling. it creeped you out severely. "what got into him?" you wondered. you went on the rest of your on edge and still thinking about what happened. you tried to get your mind off of it, but you couldn't stop thinking about it. you decided to go to bed.

it's 3am, you were softly sleeping, but someone was breaking in.

"hello again, sweetheart."

You continue to sleep, unaware of what was happening around you. Jeff picked you up, stuck his hand up your shirt, and groped your tit. you felt his hand travel down, goin into your pants, his hand went into between your legs, rubbing your clit. you silently moaned in your sleep, his hands fingering you. Jeff took his free hand, unzipped his pants, took his painfully hard dick into his hand and started stroking it. precum leaked from his tip, getting on your leg. he continued to finger you and stroke himself, until he finally came to orgasm. he came on your shirt, he picked you up and took you into his arms.

"I'll save the best part for later." he thought to himself.

He scooped you up, and started walking. Jeff walked you out of the house, into his car and put you in the back seat. (Making sure he buckled your seatbelt, of course.) He got in the drivers seat and started driving. it took about 20 minutes to get to his house, since he lived in the ghetto part of town. eventually you arrived to his house. "we're here honey"

Hello again, sweetheart (jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now