"You sure about this, Val?" Aaron said as he handed her a yellow folder, containing all the papers that she would need to sign in order for the agreement to become legal.

"I am," she simply replied as she opened the folder and started reading the document. "Can you hand me a pen, please?"

Once she was holding a pen, she wrote her name on the blank, followed by her signature on top. When she was done signing the other four, she closed the folder and handed it over to Aaron.

"Alright, I should be able to send you an email of the details for the meeting we're gonna have with the team, tonight at the latest," with that said, Aaron placed the folder on a clear envelope before walking out of Valerie's apartment.

Once she was alone, Valerie got a bottle of wine from the wine cellar and poured herself a glass. She didn't want to drink in front of Aaron, since he was still recovering from his liver transplant since he was always drinking too much.

She went back to the living room and turned the tv on, deciding to watch a movie to pass the time. She didn't have to do anything, anyway.

Halfway through the movie, her doorbell started ringing, making her furrow her eyebrows. She wasn't expecting anyone except for Aaron, and he already left.

She curiously approached the main entrance and looked through the peephole. She sighed in relief as she opened the door and saw her best friend smiling sheepishly.

After they greeted each other, Valerie guided Sophie towards the living room. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Please and thank you!"

Valerie picked up her now-empty wine glass from the coffee table and made her way towards the kitchen to refill her glass and get one for the brunette in her living room. She got back with two glasses of wine in her hands, handing one to Sophie.

She sat down next to her friend, talking about the things that they missed out. They haven't hang out in a long time, having the fact that they both had busy lives and they worked in different places. This time though, Sophie decided to go to New York just to be with the blonde again.

"Wait, wait, hold on. So you're telling me that you signed the contract without even knowing who you're fake girlfriend is gonna be?" Sophie asked as she adjusted her position on the couch, one leg tucked under the other and sitting sideways.

"Yeah. I mean, what's the worse that could happen? Aaron said that my fake girlfriend is also hella famous and is also ready to come out as bi, so there's actually nothing to worry about," Valerie replied, taking a sip on her wine.

"Well, if you say so," Sophie simply replied. "Anyway, did you know that Taylor Swift is also gonna do the same thing?"

Valerie groaned as she heard the name being said. She didn't want to hear it ever again. "I don't care if she's gonna do the same thing. How'd you know anyways?"

"Because we're friends...?"

"I forgot about that."

"Why do you hate her so much?"

Valerie got quiet as she looked down. Nobody knew the reason why she hated the blonde. She wanted to tell Sophie the reason. Although, she can't legally say anything.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Sophie asked, her eyebrows furrowing as she reached for Valerie's hand.

Valerie only shook her head.

"Val, you know that you can tell me anything, right?" the brunette asked in a soft voice that made Valerie want to crumble while telling her the reason for her strange behaviour, but she can't.

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