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May 2, 2016

09:30 am

Lianna looked at herself in the mirror, feeling a little nervous. She took a deep breath and screwed her eyes shut.

"Do it," she said before hearing the clippers turn on.

"Are you sure about this?" Nathan asked as he looked at her through the mirror, her eyes still closed tightly.

"I'm sure, mate. I'm only doing this for mum," she smiled, although she felt her heart sting from the mention of her mother. She and Katara were really close, and she can't bare the thought of losing her mother because of cancer. She loved her mother so much, that she would do anything just to make sure she would be with her until the day she dies.

Aurora hummed. "I hope she's doing fine with dad back home," her sister sighed, sitting at the bathroom counter.

"Don't worry, guys. Katara will be alright," Nathan reassured them, running the clipper through Lianna's hair. He was not an expert at cutting hairs, but he's not that bad, either. He was the one who always cut their hair, and the siblings trusted him dearly. "And... done!"

Lia took a deep breath once more and slowly opened her eyes. She smiled at her reflection, admiring her friend's work. "Oh, it doesn't look bad. I look.... hot in this new hair cut."

Lia and Aurora exchanged places, and Lia watched intently as Nathan cut her sister's hair. Aurora had longer hair than Lia, and she cared about her hair with all her heart, and a tear even rolled down her cheek as she felt the clipper slowly cut her hair into a buzzcut. Aurora loved her hair so much, but she knew they were all doing it for their mother, and it was all worth it.

Nathan already had a buzzcut so they didn't need to cut his hair, and he was beyond thankful for it, scared of what the siblings would do to his hair.

They all cleaned up the bathroom before cleaning their bodies separately. When they were all done, they plopped down on Lia's bed. They were all still jet-lagged from their flight, so they decided to take a nap for a few hours, since it was still ten in the morning, and they need to be at the gala at eight, later that night.

Lianna, being the responsible one, set an alarm for when they have to wake up. She was the youngest, but that doesn't mean she had to be the most careless either.

Three hours later, Mr. Perfectly Fine started filling the room, making the three of them wake up, each of them making annoyed noises.

"Really? Even your alarm!? How obsessed are you with that girl?" Aurora asked making Lia blush.

"I'm not obsessed with her. I'm just a big fan that's all," she chuckled nervously, knowing that her sister was definitely right; but she would never, ever, ever admit it to anyone.

"You do know that she would be there at the gala, right?" Nathan pointed his finger at Lia. "Maybe she's obsessed with you, too," he said, teasing the his friend.

"Now, why would that be possible?" she shot back, her cheek turning rose red.

They all laughed, standing up from Lia's bed to make lunch. They decided on ordering instead, too lazy to do anything. If only they could bail the Gala, they would.... Actually, Aurora and Nathan can bail the Met; except, they didn't want Lianna to go there alone. And how else are they gonna show off their new hairs.

Once their food arrived, they ate it while waiting for Lianna's publicist to arrive. Lia was anxious, but she was also excited to know what her publicist's reaction would be.

The doorbell rang, and Nathan stood up to open the door. He greeted Sierra, before stepping aside to let her in.

Nathan kept smiling at Sierra; it was suspicious.

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