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-Lianna Williams Shaves Her Head For The Met Gala!

-Lianna Williams Attends The Met Gala With A Buzz Cut!

-Lianna Cuts Her Hair In Order To Support Her Mother, Who's Currently Battling With Cancer


Lianna sat on her private jet, waiting for it to take off already. The day that Taylor went to her apartment a month ago, they exchanged numbers, and had been messaging each other ever since. When Taylor left that day and she was alone once again, she decided to open the bag that the singer gave her. It was a crop top, identical to the one that now had a permanent burgundy stain.

She sent her dad a message that she was on her way back home, and that she's bringing Nathan with her. Aurora already went back to London a few days ago, too excited to see her boyfriend once again.

The jet started to take off, and as soon as they were above ground, Lianna started to drift off. They arrived at London a few hours prior, and she immediately took a quick nap after greeting her parents.

She woke up a few hours later, due to the loud ringing caused by her phone. She groaned, picking her phone up from the nightstand, answering the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" She said, her voice was still groggy.

"Hi, umh... did I wake you up?" Taylor's voice rang through the phone; and Lianna opened her eyes when she registered the voice.

"Oh, no. It's cool," she reassured the singer. "Are you okay?" She was concerned. Taylor never called her before. They had only been sending each other text messages, or sending each other some cute photos.

"Yeah, I'm cool," the singer started. "Can I ask you something?"

"You already did," she replied, laughing at her own joke, and the blonde joined in.

"Right," Taylor chuckled. "Do you want to attend the fourth of July party on Rhode Island? You can bring anyone with you. There would be Blake and Ryan; who I believe you've already met before. There's also Gigi, Martha, Selena, Austin and.... who else?... umh, oh yeah... and Tom."

She didn't have to think twice for an answer. "Yeah, sure. I'll be there. I'm gonna ask Nathan if he's up for it."

"Yeeeey! Can't wait to see you again. I gotta go now, though. I have a meeting to attend to, and... yeah."

After they said their goodbyes, Taylor hang up rather quickly. Lianna can't say it was unusual, since it was their first time calling, so she didn't think too much of it.

Since she was now awake, she hopped out of bed and went downstairs where her mother was, drinking her tea. When she didn't see Nathan anywhere, she believed that he was still sleeping. She sat next to Katara, smiling softly at her mother.

"Hey, ma. How are you?" Lianna said as she held her mom's hand.

"I'm fine, Yanna. Nasaan na yung kaibigan mo?" Her mom asked, turning rubbing Lianna's hand softly. [Where's your friend?]

"Sa tingin ko natutulog pa siya," Lianna simply replied."Where's dad?" she asked. [I think he's still sleeping,]

"He went to work already."

A few moments later, Nathan came padding downstairs. He smiled at the two, sitting down next to Lianna. He rested his head onto Lianna's shoulder, releasing a yawn from his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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