Chapter 6: I'm Sorry Too

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The sound of the whistle sparked you all into action.

You jumped up from your crouching position and sprinted to the middle of the field, managing to snatch a dodgeball barely a second before Taehyung could. The moment your hand enclosed around the rubber ball, you backed away, immediately scanning your surroundings.

Yoongi and Jungkook were each holding a ball of their own, moving away from the centre the same way you had, while Hoseok was the only person on the other team that had grabbed the last one.

There was only a moment of silence before dodgeballs started flying everywhere, each one aimed at the opposing team with precision. But as precise as the throws were the dodges.

"We should aim to get Hoseok out first," Namjoon said as he picked up a ball from the floor, making sure to keep an eye out for the other team's throws, "he's the biggest threat at the moment."

Jungkook nodded, "agreed, though I'd keep an eye out for Taehyung as well."

You hated to agree with him, but he was right. Despite his earlier apathy, Taehyung was a lot more athletic than you had initially thought, with some of his throws being mere millimetres away from getting a few of you out.

You sneaked a glance at the rest of your team, noticing Jimin and Yoongi's distracted faces. Jimin's expression seemed worried, his gaze constantly finding Seokjin every few seconds. You couldn't blame him, considering physical activity didn't seem to be his strong suit. He was constantly hiding behind Cheonsa, occasionally picking up a ball to throw it weakly at your team's side of the field.

Yoongi, on the other hand, seemed beyond irritated as he gave the ball in his hand, the field around him, and the coach a subdued glare. You didn't exactly know what the reason for said irritation was, but if you had to guess, you'd say that he seemingly wasn't a fan of the game that had been chosen. Why might that be? You didn't even have a guess for that one.

With a new game plan in mind, the five of you spread out across the field, trying your best to target Hoseok and Taehyung while they manoeuvred away from each throw.

"Make sure the ball doesn't touch anywhere under your shoulders!" Hoseok called out, taking a few steps back as he surveyed the field meticulously, "and try to catch the ball as it's coming towards you."

"If you manage to catch it, whoever threw it automatically gets out." He turned his head to meet his teammates' eyes as he spoke.

It was an opportunity, you realised, as you noticed Hoseok's focus was distracted for just a moment. But before you could act, you watched Jungkook smirk, clearly noticing the mistake as well, before grabbing a ball from the floor and hurling it at Hoseok's leg.

You couldn't have expected what happened next even if you were made to relive this moment over and over.

Almost in slow motion, you watched the ball leave Jungkook's hand, flying in the air for a moment, before it connected with Hoseok's bare leg. It was only soft rubber, the most it should have been able to do was leave a light pink tinge on his skin, but instead, as the red sphere made contact with his leg, a strangled groan escaped Hoseok's lips as he immediately crumpled to the floor, clutching his leg with one hand while the other kept himself upright.

You might have scoffed at the exaggerated expression, reducing it to another instance of men being dramatic, but the look of pure pain on Hoseok's face and in his voice made you hesitate in jumping to that thought. Everyone paused, an eerie silence falling over the field as confusion spread through everyone's mind.

It wasn't until Hoseok's hand raised from his leg that you realised why he had sounded so hurt, your own eyes widening at the view.

Hoseok's leg was a bloody mess.

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