Welcome To Rohini Sutaa Awards✨✨❤️❤️

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It is with great joy and excitement that we @Madhusudana_ as Krishna and Wanderlust_Lavanya  as Arjun welcome you to our community dedicated to the epic tale of the Mahabharata.

As we come together to celebrate the timeless wisdom and teachings of this ancient text, we are honored to have each and every one of you as part of our community.

Today, we gather to commemorate a special occasion - the birth anniversary of Subhadra, the beloved sister of Lord Krishna and the generous wife of Arjuna. Subhadra's story is one of strength, love, and devotion, and her presence in the Mahabharata serves as a reminder of the important roles that women play in shaping destiny and upholding righteousness.

As we mark this auspicious day, let us come together to celebrate Subhadra's life and legacy through various activities and events. Let us reflect on her virtues and qualities, and strive to embody the same grace, courage, and compassion in our own lives.

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