Rules For Judges

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1. Don't accept bribes from participants in form of Read4Read and Vote4Vote .

2. Be fair and honest while judging. Keep your personal prejudices aside.

3. Scorecard should be made in Google docs of all the books allocated to you. (Rubrics would be shared soon).

4. If any participant or their friends offer you bribes, please notify the admins or Event Manager.

5.Judges are requested to send the results to our Admin Madhusudana_ after their works are done.

6. Active participation will be noted if judges are found to be not active then we have to take steps.(as elimination has started already)

7. Last but not the least, you are free to vote on their books but please don't comment inline.

8.Date of submission:
17th June 2024


Any Questions Can ask here by tagging Madhusudana_


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